My new favorite ‘pose’ to ‘arrange’ Parker and Jolie in is perfectly displayed here.
BUT- the fete to get them there is getting harder everyday.
Parker: BYE! (overtly waving her arm in the air and trotting through the yard towards the furthest corner away from me.
Me: PARKER – come here. pleeeaaase.
Parker: nope!! (shaking her head as hard as she can)
The moment I come towards her she runs away faster and squeals in delight.
Half the time this is the game we play for about 11 minutes until I give up and let them run all banshee-esque through the yard.
Jolie. Sweet spirited and well-behaved Jolie will do whatever I ask about 94% of the time.
She lays there and watches Parker in confusion, waiting patiently for Mom to hurry up and take the photo(s).
My neighbors probably think I’ve lost my mind.
Hey girls, if you lay down right here and I’ll give you..
..we can watch..
..I’ll take you..
Mostly, it doesn’t matter what I say.
On this day, I confess, there was a bit-o-bribery. The bribe of all bribes. At 22 months, candy always does the trick. Well, until it doesn’t.
3 mini Starburst candies.
Please no judgement.
I web-beg of you.
These gleeful babes make my day.
Wait. Take that back.
My Every day.

I couldn't love them (or their head wraps) any more if I tried! xoxo
so so soooo much cuteness! and that gif at the end. *gasp*