It was a whirlwind of a weekend to say the least. We started strong on Friday and didn’t stop stop stop for air until Sunday evening.
Oh. And the twins did not nap. I say that as a plural because PARKER is really the non-napper MVP this weekend and Jolie got in a cat nap here and there, but nothing like the usual 2.5-4 hours they get between the hours of noon and 4pm.
Not because we didn’t encourage it and for a reason unbeknownst to their mother. The mother that saved one billion tasks for nap time.
Friday morning we met the gals and pals of our small group from church for a Chic-fil-a lunch. There was a ton of kids..even though we showed up early.. so I didn’t want to steal two high chair boosters when my girls could do just fine sitting in a chair to eat.
I was so impressed. I think their cooperation and completion of their lunch in its entirety goes to the highest quality of people watching that was available during that lunch hour.
Baby(ies) First Alert.
We enjoyed our first ice cream cone. Really. It was impressive the sharing capabilities of these sisters. I think the entire restaurant was waiting and waiting and patiently waiting for things to go south and the creamy goodness to hit the floor.. or laps, and it never did.
They housed it, and liked every nook and cranny of the cone.
We headed straight home after 3 cups of sugar (probably why Parker never napped, and why it took Jo at least an hour to fall asleep, only for me to wake her just 30 minutes later so we could get ready to go to the wedding rehearsal dinner).
Parker laid in her crib and sang what could only be the longest song in history.
She hit the snooze button the moment we pulled onto the street of the event center. Great.
ZERO pictures of THAT night because of what a wonderful time it was. Parker had a full-on meltdown of a blast that lasted the entire hour and a half we were there. Refused to do a thing she was asked. It was awesome.
Jolie. She was sneaky enough to leave with the bride’s rehearsal bouquet. Sweet girl, no one would have said no to her otherwise.
Saturday morning we kept to our normal routine as close as possible. I wanted them to nap well so badly- for a couple of reasons.. ONE- I needed them to cooperate and be in good spirits for all the special events of this day. TWO- we had a long night ahead. I needed them to make it through.
No nap.
So, it was questionable how it was all going to go down.
Thankfully, we had a successful afternoon, and only time would tell for the actual wedding.
It was a gorgeous evening..and even with the refusal to leave my side, we got a few ‘action’ shots of the bride with her tiny flower girls during picture time.
Of course we wore moccs.
and then we waited. Waited for what seemed like forever.. Lots of snacks. LOTS.
Even though its blurry, I had to share. #princessproblems.
The time was finally here. I had to sneak away and take my seat while I left Jordan to do his daddy duties of making the girls feel as comfortable as possible before making their entrance.
I cried. I cried to see my sweet sleepy girls step it up to walk down the aisle.
Parker was shy like I had never seen, and Jolie was proud to parade her ‘pretty dress’ down the aisle for everyone to see.
After the wedding (and more pictures) we headed out to the dance floor.. and basically never left. They did this the entire night. I couldn’t pull them off to eat. To drink. To go potty. Nothing. They were jammin’ and having the time of their little lives.
We finally called it a night around 10pm. They were wiped. We disrobed them of their princess duties, and into comfy jammies and milk for the ride home.
I don’t think I remember all the thought and effort that goes into being apart of an event such as a wedding.. but then again, I had no children and was only 20 years old when I got married.. so.. my energy level was in a much different place than it is today.
We all woke up feeling about like this.. exhausted and wanted nothing to do with the Sunday’s morning light.
Pumpkin pancakes have become their daddy’s specialty, and we all needed a little comfort food after the long day/night before.
After breakfast and baths (because we were a STICKY mess) we loaded up to make the final selections for the outdoor living. Can I say, I’m over it? I think we all are just eager to get it completed so we can enjoy. We are having a football watching (day) with friends next weekend.. so we are in the home stretch this week!
Sunday are for singing praises to our Jesus. And letting everyone know it.
Another nappless day. Cat naps in the car while running errands are usually totally fine, but after two full days of no napping, AND late nights, they weren’t having anything to do with cooperating and tested my patience to no end.
I was thankful these places were empty. The baby screams when they didn’t want to share anything were less embarrassing.
Finally we came home for dinner on the **almost** finished patio.
We all felt like this by 7pm. OH – and since it is the week of Halloween.. We plan to wear these every single night. And for most of the day.
Happy Monday!

Oh my gosh! The pictures of them in their dresses are adorable! But nothing will beat them walking down the isle or dancing in all of the twinkly lights. That was seriously just too cute!
I so miss the days of naps! Sydney always napped from 12:30 to 1:30 or 2:00. They weren't long naps, but working from home they really helped. But now she is in school from 12:20 to 2:50 4 days a week, so the days of napping are long gone. 🙁
And I seriously need to make a goal of getting Halloween Jammie's next year. These are always so cute!
It must be something in the air…our twins have been acting crazy and not wanting to nap either.
The patio is coming out beautifully!!! And their little dance gave me nothing but the giggles it was so cute! 🙂
they are just so cute!! but sounds like a hard few days with no naps! and I love your hair!
Sweet little ladies! So impressive that they lasted all day of the wedding! The princess attire was just darling
That picture of them sharing the ice cream is too cute! I have a twin sister and have loved every minute of it. They will be such great friends as they get older!
1. Love your honesty. 2. Love your hair. 3. Love those babies. I teared up when they walked down the aisle! I mean, my internet little BFFs did the best job ever, and looked absolutely perfect! Praying for the naps to start coming back ASAP!! xo
and and ps-the patio? Gorgeous!!
They are so adorable!!! I love your back yard!!
The shots of the girls sharing the ice cream cone is so sweet! I didn't get a sister and it is so touching to see the patience that they have for each other, at least at this stage! You are so blessed <3
Wowee! Yall truly did have a heck of a busy weekend. Isn't that always the worst when you plan extra-special to do everything right and make sure not only are naps taken but LONG naps so that everyone is more than good to go? And then it backfires. I feel ya, sister. But, I have to say, your outcome seems way better than any of mine have ever been so KUDDOS to you! You rocked it, mama ? and that dress!! Ow ow!