I cannot believe this time of year is upon us. I am always one of those that wishes so badly to have her Christmas shopping finished before Thanksgiving.. but never that is me. I don think I’m alone. I think more shopping is done in the weekend after Thanksgiving than any other time, because, hello – sales. We easily recognize Black Friday – you crazy freaking people that I secretly wish were my friends so that I would have SOMEone to go out at all hours of the night on that day to shop with. I have been one time. Alone- because my husband refused and I had no friends to go with. I went to Target and it was the most dangerous night of my life. ZERO exaggeration. I watched two women argue over a rug. A rug.
Not even a cute rug.
SO- I do A LOT of shopping online.
We also not ever forget November 29th. The Saturday after Thanksgiving. Also known as Shop Small Saturday. Truth be told, it wasn’t very often I shopped small before Parker and Jolie came along. I wasn’t well read on Etsy. I didn’t know there were such places other than Nordstrom, Loft, Charming Charlie.. you know – all those bigger stores – to purchase quality items for a really great price. Since becoming a mom, I’ve been introduced to about a bazillion amazing shops and the people behind them and have been so encouraged by their hard work and individuality that I cannot even hold a candle to with how amazing they all are. I have even started to branch out and seek product for myself – not just hair bows and baby fashion – although so much cuter on them than me.
The number one question I get asked – and I mean the number one – is where do you shop for Parker and Jolie? I get this question from boy-moms, too. Truth is that outside of hair bows, everything I have bought from a small business is pretty gender neutral – total justification to Jordan that ‘our future baby boy can wear this, too!’ That being said – I finally have pulled together some of my favorites to share with you today. This post has been a long time coming- BUT – it imperfect timing with Shop Small Saturday coming up next weekend. Perfect time to introduce you to these shops (if you aren’t familiar already). If you follow me on Instagram (masseya), you have definitely seen these shops tagged in my pictures more than once – but this list is limited! After coming up with my list, it was LONG. I kept coming back to it with another couple to jot down.. a few more.. a few more..
Really, I love everyone:) While I find new a fun shops everyday, these have been some of my very favorites for Parker and Jolie.
** This Post is LONG – but I promise for a reward at the end:)
THE reason why I became hair bow obsessed. Serious. This girl, Chelsea, is a rock star. She has the most creative brain and can make any hair bow vision you might have come to life. I’m not even sure how I found her, but she was the first small shop I started following on Instagram and fell in love with everything she had to offer. I have an entire ‘favorites’ list dedicated to her etsy shop – NO JOKE. The first ‘wrap’ Parker and Jolie ever wore came from her shop. For our family photos last year I emailed Chelsea about three days before on a whim because my vision changed and I desperately needed something custom. She totally nailed it. Dont you think?
also to make note of.. my children have changed. so much.
Every single hair bow we owned for the first 9 months of her life came from Jameson Monroe
I never knew there was such a thing as this perfect. She also frequently hosts sales (HUGE sales) on
GroopDealz, and I am always sucked in to purchase. I cannot pass it up!
Most recently.. the baby scarfs.
bub & bug studios bows
Love this shop. Period.
This is a shop I stumbled upon recently, and I’m so glad I found her! She is so creative with baby fashion, and the moment she posted a picture of her little girl in the buffalo plaid kimono, I knew Parker and Jolie had to have them!
hat by sweet eloise designs
She has scarfs, kimonos, vests, skirts, head wraps..you name it. She can make it! Such a sweet girl behind the shop, too. I just about want everything that comes off her sewing machine. If money grew on trees, ya’ll.
Sweet Eloise Designs
WHILE we are talking about money growing on trees. I need a little more. I think I found Sweet Eloise around the same time I found Camden & Kate. These two shops go back and forth in support over IG (love it), and so I couldn’t help but find myself swooning over Cristina’s woven designs. Super high quality- this girl could sell her baby knit hats and cowls for a pretty penny. I cannot even imagine the work that goes into each handcrafted piece. When we received our knit beanies, I about fell over and died with 1.) my kids looks WAY too flipping cute. I mean. C’mon.
and B.) I couldn’t believe how thick and warm these hats were. Really, really beautiful work! The moment I threw them on Parker and Jolie’s head, I knew I would be purchasing more in every single color!
Another baby fashion genius. We received a skirt over the summer, and I was hooked.
jameson monroe head wrap
Baby tunics, skirts, and her bloomers. OH. MY.
Ruby Blue headwrap
Perfect for summer weather, but now that it has gotten cooler out, I’ve been throwing tights or leggings under them and getting more wear through the fall and into the winter. We were in church last week and happened to be doing the whole tights under the bloomers thing, and the amount of compliments my children received was out of this world.
I started following Veronica almost two years ago on her personal page.. she has a little girl, Shelby, that is Parker and Jolie’s age, and loved her sweet smiling face. Veronica was a cake decorator in her former life, and holy geez she was good.. and then one day she shared a bow she had made for Shelby. The rest is history. Aside from Jameson Monroe.. I have about 1,000 bows handmade by Veronica. She exploded in popularity – started with her sparkle bows, and then her poolside wraps (I had girlfriends DYING to get there hands on one over the summer), and now she’s come full circle with the most amazing line of Sparkle Bows for fall and winter. SERIOUSLY – I die over them!!
I have about a bazillion pictures I could post..
Another amazing woman behind the sewing machine. I started following Chrystina simply for her creativity..and those highwaisted skirts and pants. Wishing every day for ‘mom’ sizes. Until she posted this cardigan.
bub & bug studios bows
Holy moly, I died and was frantic to find their size to purchase. I’ve also got a couple pairs of her handmade leggings waiting to be worn (I bought them big) and the quality- let me tell you something about quality. DLC knows it. Love and appreciate her sweetness and thanks with every purchase made. So much live goes into this craft and it makes me continue to come back to buy from her
I think I found this shop through a random post of a friend of a friend or something.. but how impressed and over the moon I was with their bold and genuine love for Jesus. It blew me away, and I needed a piece of it.
As you can see.. those size 12 month tees are growing shorter and shorter, but I totally do not care. We are going to get the wear out of them that they deserve. If you follow me on IG, this shirt is no stranger. Such an amazing outward expression of love from this shop for their love of The Lord. Doesn’t get much better than this.
pieces to peaces rockabilly bands
I have been following Amy, who is also a twin (girl) mom, since she went into the hospital to deliver her sweet girls almost two years ago. when she started to make hair wraps and bows, I totally hoped in to support her – and to get some amazing bows – and she has seriously become outrageously busy. With every new print seems to come mass chaos to get their hands on them, and I love it! I love seeing other success, and I LOVE that I am able to be apart of it. We have MANY bows from two Little Bees.
odarling leggings
Trilogy Design Co
I ‘met’ Andrea early this year and fell in love with her style. Her SWOON tee was what did me in and I had to grab a couple ASAP.
pieces to peaces head wrap
Since then her shop has expanded to many designs and styles and I LOVE every bit of it! Her YO! tees and trucker hats.. not to mention her (never in stock) nerd glasses that fly out the moment she stocked them back up. We became brand reps for them several months ago and have been blessed with her design every time!
If ever you questioned the monogram.. look no further. I never thought I would want my kids to have their name written all over everything, until I saw them on these two booties.
Leggings, skirts, hairbows, wraps, and beanies, blankets..and most amazing – yoga pants. YOGA pants for babies. I can’t even. No, really. And Kristyn is the sweetest soul. I absolutely love working with her. Those leggings in the picture above were hand crafted by Kristyn after I gave her my ‘vision’. Such an awesome thing about shopping small.. they can create what you can’t. We have been wearing these yogas for this entire second year of their little lives and they still fit well – they wash well, too! Can’t beat that quality.
shelby chic wraps
Another craft mama. SUPER crafty. They all are. Again, another shop I stumbled into several months ago and fell in love with her creations- mama and mini bracelets. I was searching for something special to accessorize for our upcoming Fall Family Photos and couldn’t help myself. Not only do I love it, but P&J get a kick out of matching their mama, too! I love that she also encourages these not only for your mini, but for your bestie, too. Would my besties love one of these for Christmas? Probably.
odarling leggings / whistle and flute tees
Whistle & Flute
While we are at it with these precious pictures (c/o BFaith Photography) I’ll go ahead and mention Whistle & Flute.
bow by Ruby Blue
Another Instagram phenom -I have fallen in love with everything! If the Pandas weren’t enough.. Go ahead and throw some gold Odarling leggings in there and make the outfit complete. Canada based (but never fails for quick ship – AND offers free shipping often!) Whistle & Flute has been featured in Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine, the Style section of The New York Daily News and online on the Oh Joy blog. Hello- big time. Like huge. Another unisex brand that falls perfectly across the board for boys and girls alike. Grey, White, and Black- I dont think I can have enough of that in the little’s closet.
One thing I LOVE about these small businesses is the love they have for each other. Always lifting each other up, and rarely voicing frustration in competition. I was introduced to Danielle by another favorite shop, and then Danielle introduced my to Lovey Lake.. and so on. They love each other, and it makes it more encouraging to shop small, doesn’t it? ANYway. Pieces to Peaces has been a favorite of mine – we are brand reps for this shop, so of course it is a favorite. I stand behind my brands 100% 🙂 Danielle is another sweet soul and her handwork shows it. She sells hair wraps, and scarves, and her new line for the fall- fleece lined beanies, scarves, and clothing.
Good gracious she is hitting all the bases and definitely going for the home run. Many of my favorite pictures of Parker and Jolie include these head wraps.. several pictures that I’ve already shared above have P2P featured.
bear tee trilogy design co
LOVE her Rockabilly Headbands. For serious, tho.
I SO appreciate this shop. Emma is the handwork behind her creations, which by the way are amazing. Leggings, harems, hats, and headbands.. she is actually the first shop I purchased leggings from other than store brand. Print leggings for less than $15? A twin mom’s dream. I think I pair $13 each for the fist pair of leggings I purchased for the girls – and we still wear them as, well, capris these days. High quality fabric, and super fun and unique prints. Usually you will find the same or similar fabrics across some of these alike shops, but Emma never fails to bring the best. When we became supporters of the brand, I have never been so proud to rep a shop with such strong ownership.
Love it, and you should, too!
jameson monroe hairbows and riley clay tee
two little bees head wraps
Tessa is the bomb. Another shop I have been following since the beginning. Her graciousness and ability to create is, again, amazing. I came to her for Parker and Jolie’s first birthday, and she nailed it. Glitter crowns, anyone?
THE cutest thing I had every seen when I opened up that package. Since then, her shop has exploded with amazing creations. I LOVE her headbands for myself, too!!
You can always catch me in one of her halo bands (the gold wave is my FAVorite).
Another shop I stand behind 100% as her adult brand rep! I never thought, but when I was selected, I was over the moon. We’ve got something special coming in December for my readers, so stay tuned:)
Bub & Bug Studio
Another twin mama I adore. I have been following Kelly since forever it seems, and I absolutely adore everything that comes into her shop. I always scold her via social media for being so dang creative. I WANT everything she makes. I do believe she was the first the throw glitter on my babes heads AND offer the smallest head bow they wore in their entire life. and I’m hooked.
kid + kind shirt
jameson monroe scarf
You may have seen Kelly’s bows on the amazing
Jessica Garvin’s littles a times or two – which is out of this world amazing! Such a hard worker and seriously the fastest turn around time ever – I have messaged her with a request needed in just days and she has shipped it out in the same day. Really. Doesn’t get much better than that, you guys.
Big Bows are an understatement for the Miss behind Ruby Blue! The original Messy Bow Wrap came about through the brains of sweet Trisha (That I have some to ADORE). Her bows are a statement piece, sparkle, t-shirt, metallic, and lace..but you cannot forget the other amazing things in her shop! She is the creative brain behind Parker and Jolie’s 1st birthday outfits – those bows. LACE leggings.. ARG- they were perfection.
ARG- they were so chubby!
riley clay tee
Worn front or back these wraps are still amazing! I have them in nearly every color and its still not enough. Perfect accessory for your little girl!
bloomers by lovey lake / glitter bow by two little bees
Such a strong message behind the two Colleen’s that founded this shop. Their mission to spread love & kindness across the hearts of children, and doing our part to not only teach our children, but make the world a little bit brighter for them! I mean- seriously. How can you not fall in love with appreciation for the motive behind their business. They are a new and growing brand – and supporter of all small busnieses. I love seeing them on my IG feed (@mamasaidtees) – always, ALWAYS inspirational.
I told you I had a special ‘reward’ at the end to share for making it allllll the way through this post: All of these shops SO graciously have offered up a special discount code for 3 Ladies and Their Gent readers
AMAZING, right?? Just a little kick start to shopping small on November 29th.
Codes are valid today through Sunday!
Camden and Kate – 15%
Sweet Eloise Designs (shop is closed until Friday 11/21)
Lovey Lake – 20%
Shelby Chic Boutique -25%
Two Little Bees – 25%
Dandy Lion Co.- 20%
Riley Clay – 15%
Kennedy’s Collections – 15%
Hazel Love Designs – 20%
Pieces to Peaces – 20%
Sweet T Shoppe – 20%
Odarling Handmade – 10%
Bub & Bug Studio- 10%
Whistle & Flute- 10%
Ruby Blue – 15%
Jameson Monroe- 20%
Trilogy Design- 20%
Mama Said Tees- 15%
Big HUGE Thank You’s to these shops for being so gracious. Another reason to shop small.
Where are you shopping this year?? I’d love to hear it!
Check out these small shops (and don’t forget to use your discount code!)

I started following your blog about a month ago and your girls are too cute! I have two boys so I'm slightly jealous of all the cute accessories 🙂 I love that you shop small…I have an Etsy shop as well and it's appreciated when people buy from small businesses…it truly makes an impact! If you ever need a sign for your girls for a photo shoot, let me know. I'd love to make them one! I have a cute birthday one and am about to make a twin one for my best friend (we randomly found out we both followed you on Instagram..small world). I also live in the Dallas area (McKinney). Thanks for the discounts and love of small shops!
Gosh darn! Wish I would have waited to make some purchases! I purchased from 2 of these stores yesterday 🙂 Love them!
I love Black Friday shopping, I can seriously go for 12 hours!! This year will be so tough since Ive just gotten into following shops on Instagram and can't wait to stock up on accessories for my 15 month old chickadees!!
Love this post!!! So sweet of you to highlight all these ladies!! If you ever get into the necklace game, please feel free to check out my page! @love_blooms_here. You have the most adorable girls!!! Ps I found your page awhile back from shelbychicboutique. We just started our collection of hers and are in loooove!!
This is totally off topic, but with Christmas coming up I'm trying to decide what to get my girls and how to better organize what we have. How do you organize your girls' toys and books? I've been reading about toy rotation and that seems like a good idea. Maybe a future blog post 🙂