Friday is here again – and I’m working away like a busy bee to get the last minute details covered for our party this weekend (do a little dance!)
Are you as excited as I am? Probably not – but that’s okay.
A few favorite moments from this last week
I am LOVING making the grocery store a fun environment for my toddlers. I 100% appreciate the fact that there are little carts for Parker and Jolie to push around – and let me just tell you, they rock it. I have about 8,000 snaps in my camera roll of them pushing the carts.. I could write an entire blog post about their mobility through
Market Street, but I will spare you.
For now, anyway.
Since changing it up a little the girls’ sleep arrangement – we removed a few bars of f the front of their cribs (we don’t plan to reuse) so that they can easily climb in and out (because Miss Independent >> that would be Jo Grace >> has been climbing out). We left the rails up completely because Jolie is afraid of the dark and it completely terrifies her to not have the ‘safety’ of her crib around her – we learned that after several sleepless nights. They sleep well through the night, and stay in their beds about 80% of the time.. but wake up by 6:30am e v e r y single morning. While I wish they would go back to their normal 8:00-8:30am wake up time, I do enjoy having time with them in the morning before I leave for work.
The weather has been surprisingly warm this week – we sat out on the patio and watched Tangled and Frozen before dinner a couple times this week.
The rodeo is in town, and if you live or have been to Fort Worth,
we.are.cowtown. My employer takes us all out to the show every year a couple times, and this week was opening week for the FW Stock Show Rodeo, and with the first week of the rodeo comes the annual
Bull’s Night Out.. or read extreme bull riding. Yep. If that ain’t Texas, ya’ll.
These lovebugs got their first haircut this week. More on that later, but until then, hop on over to
instagram for the cutest video of your life.
t o m o r r o w
Happy Friday!

Im pretty sure I will be stalking IG tomorrow to find out what you are having. Im saying boy all the way!
My girls need these adorable hats! Where are they from? Happy Friday!
I just found your blog and I love it!!! Your little girls are so darling… You look so cute so far at 15 weeks
Can't wait to see how it goes for you!!! Can't wait to see what you are having.. How exciting
Happy Friday
Chelsea @
Can't wait to hear what you are having!!!!
I am so excited to find out the gender of sweet Baby Massey #3.
I love your blog.So excited 5o find out what you're having!!
You are so brave to let them both use those little carts at the market! They don't run in different directions and you have to chase them around the store?? I am terrified to let my son use one as I'm sure he would knock over some display and I would end up paying $100 for something I don't need lol.