How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain: No changes on the scale. My belly continues to grow exponentially.. and the littlest sister inside is getting plenty of nourishment (measuring a week ahead according to our 20 week appointment), but there is no result on the scale. Although, the way I feel in my pants/jeans these days would tell a different story (see also: HUGE).
Maternity clothes? Right on, Roger. I have been wearing some of my non-maternaty tunics, and tees that are a size too large, but honestly, I feel more comfortable still in actually maternity.
Sleep: Fantastic. Probably the biggest difference in my pregnancy this time around vs with the twins. I had a really hard time being comfortable and finding enough sleep at this many weeks gestation last time, but this time around with a singleton, thats not the case – even though I feel like my belly size is somewhat comparable. I fall asleep easily and wake maybe one or two times a night to use the bathroom.. but hardly stir other than that until my alarm wakes me (whether it is my set alarm, or my mischievous toddlers over the monitor). The sister girls have been undressing themselves to skin and bone and developing their own nudist colony of two.. “where is your diaper, Jolie Grace?!.. Parker! Why did you take off all your clothes?” I can’t even manage a wink of sleep longer as I used to let them play in their rooms for 30-45 minutes in the morning before I went in to get them out.. but thats for another day’s post.
Best moment this week: It is official that this child has created a jungle gym about my smooshed organs and hosts a regular tap-dance over my bladder. Perhaps is it due to the fact that my body is screaming ‘twins!’, but reality is that I only have ONE babe in the belly. To be completely honest, my best moment(s) of the week are when I can feel her move- and that is all the time. She is definitely a mover and a shaker, and I absolutely love it.
Worst Moment this week: I had brunch with some of my home group girlfriends and our kiddos over the weekend while our boys were out doing manly things at a campsite overnight. Parker was having a particularly rough morning- so much so that I nearly threw in the towel before we left, but eggs and sourdough toast sounded absolutely wonderful, so the thought of food won out on that battle. After a remarkably enjoyable breakfast (they both ate like champs), Parker was over it and ready to go home.. resulting in time out, and then a brief fight to the death to get her shoes back on- we were finally ready to go up to the front to cash out our meal. In the meantime, Miss Diva decided she wanted to carry out 37 sugar packets, and I wouldn’t let her.. the mean mom that I am. Carrying a kicking and screaming child, while my other sweet one stood silently holding my leg while we stood in line to pay, the ever so kind woman in front looked at me and said – as Parker is WHALING in my face “You aren’t having twins again, are you?!” One, if you were joking, that was the wrong time to joke, and TWO – I replied “NO I am not, but YES I would love to have another set of twins in a heartbeat. It is such a wonderful blessing.” Fire this hormonal pregnant woman up, why don’t ya? I was thankful for my girlfriend that swooped in to take Parker out of my arms so I could pay in peace.
Miss Anything? Can’t say of anything on that one.. My energy is returning- slowly. But other than that, I’m a pretty happy camper.
Cravings: Italian sandwiches with extra dressing, taco salads, melon, and of course.. sushi.
Symptoms: Dealing with a combination of congestion and allergies with the Texas temperature swings (think 28 degrees on Tuesday, up to 68 degrees on Wednesday, and then 5+ inches of snow on Friday..). I have come down with this cough that is out of control. Literally had me googling if a cough could hurt my baby. My entire upper body is sore – and for three days this week I was up almost all night because I was either having a coughing fit, or because I couldn’t breathe. Not being allowed to take anything that would typically help this kind of thing- and I refused to go on antibiotics for the THIRD time this pregnancy (the last time I was on antibiotics – less than a month ago – I had similar symptoms to this, and it did nothing for me..) so I turned to a sweet friend that hooked me up with oils for relief. I am not an oil expert, nor do I use them regularly- but I was desperate. I used a few of the blends she shared with me, and literally – I felt entirely better within the hour. I couldn’t believe it, but I was so thankful!
Looking forward to: Continuing nursery prep! That is so much fun. I have come across many new and unique things, and I can’t wait to implement them into my own nursery, finally. Jordan is also patiently waiting to feel her move on the outside -I feel her do this all the time, but he has yet to get to feel her officially. I also CANNOT wait for Parker and Jolie to see/feel her move. I’ve tried a couple times without success, but once they can feel her, I think it will really ring home that mama’s baby (whom they talk about all the time) is actually real:)

So glad I've found your blog! I'm also 21 weeks pregnant, but it's my first pregnancy!
I am 16 weeks pregnant with our first child and have been dealing with the same kind of keep-you-up-all-night cough. I just got back from the doctor who diagnosed it as bronchitis but of course there isn't anything I can really take. I would love to hear more about the magical oils that helped you!!
You look so adorable!! I am so glad you are able to get sleep that is so important being pregnant and having twins already!!
Ugh, people. Haha they think that they are being funny or helpful by trying to lighten the mood when they don't realize that it actually comes across really rude. Temper tantrums are in full effect over in our neck of the woods as well. What is it with the sugar packets that make them go crazy!? Good luck with your littles(: Theyre lucky to have such a great momma.
You look darling! Happy 21 weeks. Can't wait to see your nursery. We just revealed ours a few posts ago.
I'v been following your blog for a little while now. Your daughters are absolutely adorable. Thanks to you I have been shopping small through IG and breaking the bank. (don't tell the hubs!) You're glowing in this picture! Congrats!!
You look darling! Some people are so rude and don't know how to keep their unwanted comments to themselves. Sounds like you handled it gracefully! I just love watching that bump grow. ?
You look adorable! And shame on that woman for saying that. Grrr. The nerve of some people!
The sweet amazing IG photos of happy twins makes it hard to believe they get time out and are throwing fits. Lol I always ask myself how happy and good they seem , never seem to be crabby. And it amazes me ho we they keep their headbands on. Totally jelouse!!!
Hi! I stumbled across your blog from Zoe Organics. I am 18 weeks with my first and love reading your baby posts! Where oh where did you get the adorable week signs?! I need them.