How far along? 32 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain: 18 pounds
Maternity clothes? For sure, and often:) what I have realized is that I am able to wear some non-maternity maxi dresses comfortably, and that is always a plus in expanding what seems like such a limited wardrobe of maternity in the first place. This maxi dress has quickly become my favorite, as its length and material makes it easy to wear whether I have a baby bump or not (I ordered my regular pre-pregnancy size for reference). At 32 weeks I’m fully embracing the fact that I’ll were whatever fits.
Did you happen to catch the discount code I mentioned (here)? White Plum has so graciously offered to my readers a special code! Use OHBABY through the end of TODAY for 20% your entire purchase! They are also having another amazing wardrobe giveaway! More on that tomorrow.
Sleep: Yes. Yes. Yes. I am having sleep trouble just 1-2 nights a week, but again.. the naps in the late afternoon don’t always do me good for falling asleep at night. I am a notorious stomach sleeper, and if I arrange the pillows just right, I can sleep soundly and nearly ‘on my stomach’ for most of the night.
Best moment this week: It may be strange to some, but it is my most favorite time ever to spend running errands with my little family. Grabbing lunch with the the hubby and toddlers in tow, running errands.. grocery shopping. All seems so silly, but really I enjoy it more than anything. We got to do that several times this last week – errands for the nursery, lunches, appointments.. we even made it out to the mall to play and walk around one day this last week.
Miss Anything? Its been a pretty great week! I cant say that I am missing anything.
Cravings: The usual hasn’t changed much from last week: Carbonation. Summer fruit. Greek yogurt. Peanut Butter. Sub sandwiches (They are always ‘toasted’ or warmed), Mexican food – and after the holiday weekend and when a steak met the grill.. steak. I want steak every night. Steak and sushi. Sushi.. I totally miss it.
Symptoms: Heartburn is officially the most annoying pregnancy symptom, ever. I bought TUMS for the first time in my entire life, and holy moly those things basically work instantly. Popping a couple about one a day has become regular.
Looking forward to: Soaking in these last (7) weeks have become really important to me. I had a wave of anxiety when I realized how quickly this pregnancy has flown, making my top priority be spending time with my two first babes before the littlest sister gets here. I feel like our summer is getting cut short with her arrival and this rain we’ve been having, but the excitement of having here has been on my mind constantly! We are making plans for the pool, splash parks, and even taking the girls for their first movie in the theater:)
my suit is
non-maternity from Target last year // Jolie’s suit is from
Little Sister
We got to check up on this growing baby girl yesterday. I LOVE getting to see her on the monitor. Per the usual, she was moving and shaking in the womb, but Dixie was able to get some amazing images of her. She has a full head of hair, or peach fuzz, and a healthy heartbeat of 154bpm.
Over the last month this little thing has changed positions three times. This week she’s head down, but curled in a ‘c’ shape around my left side. Her little feet and legs are to my right and her little bootie is on my left. I could have totally guessed that seeing as she sticks out her back/bottom multiple times every day – giving me that lop-sided belly look.
After measuring all her baby parts, she is measuring just about on track for 32 weeks – just a couple days ahead (which I am fine with over the 2 weeks ahead she’s been measuring!) At 4 and a half pounds it seems as those her growth has finally leveled out – just as Walsh suspected it would. My fluid levels are still on the high side of normal at 21 (previous at a 29), but after experiencing all this, that number seems to be my ‘normal’. We go back in just a couple weeks to the perinatologist for one last follow up with her, and then its the home stretch!
I’ve said it before, but I am just so thankful for my doctors and their care for me and this pregnancy. I know they do it for all of their pregnant patients, but there is something in the comfort of knowing they have your care plan in your best interest that eases any all anxiety.
So excited for this healthy baby girl!

You Look great! I am also a huge fan of tums! they work instantly for me as well!
I just want to say I love all your posts. I look forward to reading them every day! Prayers for the rest of your pregnancy, can't wait to see your new little one.
Oh, you so pretty! Xoxo ?
I had awful heartburn with CeCe and as of a few days ago, I've started to get some light heartburn already! Papaya chewables were my saving grace. 🙂 I can't wait to see all the cute hair she has!
You look amazing. y'all will have such a fun summer before she gets here!