Probably your least typical depiction of a Mother’s Day recap, but really – life these days isn’t typical.. so the shoe fits. Friday started with emails upon emails relating to work, and finally once the babes went down for nap I was able to sneak away for couple hours to run some last minute errands for a shower I was helping to host on Saturday.
We had grand plans for dinner with the mama-to-be and her baby daddy (Ashley + Jarrett) – and they were lucky that I came out of my leggings and t-shirt.
My hair remained dirty.
For the record- if my belly itself didn’t express ‘huge’, the
shirt did the talking for me.
I got zero pictures of dinner (
Fireside Pies was phenom), but in a nutshell, it was 3+ hours of laughter + catching up with our best friends and a couple of toddlers that adore them. After dinner Jordan and I were speaking the same language – ice cream. I don’t even like ice cream that much- and I’ve requested a special trip for a vanilla cone more times in these last months of pregnancy than I have in like 3 years.
If it were up to this blog alone for proof, it seems as if we are basically living on a diet of donuts and ice cream.
Saturday came and with it was a day myself and a handful of girlfriends had been planning since for what seemed like the moment we found out Ashley was pregnant.
To have all the moving parts we had been talking about for months come together is some kind of satisfying.
I cant wait to get the picture back to share all the fun details of Camp Dunaway!
Baby Grayson has no idea how much he is loved already. I think about that little boy over and over in my head. I am as excited for his arrival and I am for our own little girl.
the Mama of honor.
Such a beauty.
I also have a hair appointment this week, and holy crap I am in need of a summer refresher.
It was such a great day to celebrate this girl. I am not the only one that has been waiting years to meet Baby G.
My Mother’s Day started at 5:45am with the rise and shine of a couple of toddlers. The weather we’ve been having has been interesting and scary and just plain crazy. Tornado warnings, thunder, lightening, and buckets of rain – and it turns out, my girls have become really terrified of all of the above. So, any rumble in the sky (or a car door slamming while the sun is shining, for that matter) gives them anxiety. The rain started on Saturday and continued through to Sunday. Not sleeping well through Saturday night (Parker was up twice(???) and then waking at an ungodly hour with both of them in my bed, the hormones were less than manageable.
I felt like I was yelling all morning, and then following up with “mama’s sorry, sweet girl”
I hate those kind of moments, and they just kept presenting themselves. We were ALL sleepy and in need of a nap – and then a tornado graced nap time with its presence just a mile up the road from where we live. The howling winds and rain + flickers of lightening and insanely loud thunder had me pacing the floors hoping and praying it would pass soon AND these babies would sleep through the entire thing. When the power went out- the lack of noise from the fan and sound machine in their room woke them after just an hour of sleep.
Thankfully the power returned and the storms passed quickly, but I needed this nap time to reboot and refresh my attitude for the afternoon. Hanging out in the hallway/closet seeking shelter with a couple of frightened babies wasn’t what I had in mind for my day.
Oh – and Jordan is at the fire station for all this. Thats how it always goes.
I am happy to note that the afternoon with my girls consisted of a popcorn picnic and pillow pallet in the living room, followed up with our first popsicles of the summer.
That would put anyone in a better mood.
Puzzles, blocks, imaginary omelets from Chef Parker, and silly selfies to other mama friends – it turned into the best afternoon with my sweet girls.
Redemption is so sweet.
I hope you all had a beautiful Mother’s Day/Weekend of celebration.
Sharing the grace and struggles of being a mom + a mother-to-be is one of the best experience of this life.
XO and kudos to you all for rocking it.

As a fellow firefighter ' s wife I totally get the chaos that ensues lol. It never fails that he's gone when terrible weather strikes…and should he be home he typically leaves to run rescue with his volunteer department. I'm glad yoou guys are safe 🙂
So you are you!!! I love it and I can't wait to see more from the party.. it looks so cute
Happy Monday
Chelsea @
You are just oh so sweet. Love all of this!! And…what a great baby shower!! Looks like it turned out just fabulous!
We were right there with you! Mama, Daddy, baby, and 3 dogs in the stairs closet! Haha Great beginning to Mother's Day!