happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had an amazing weekend spent with friends + family in celebration of the Easter holiday. I feel like we have been running nonstop for the last couple weeks and this weekend was no exception- we were busy! but ‘good’ busy. my heart is so full! I laid in bed last night trying to keep my eyes open as I looked back through the eight thousand photos I took to document the last three days! so, hang with me as I share a long post of pics!
friday was mostly me and the babes running errands while daddy worked a day shift at the hospital. I took the kids out to breakfast- our fav little donut shop (we fancy) and then ran a few errands before stopping by to visit BB + Papa for a bit in the afternoon and to feed the kiddos lunch. can we talk about these space buns on Jolie!? she’s like 15!! I follow twist me pretty on IG and she shared her tutorial HERE for how to do these cute little knots. Jo has so much hair so I can make her buns really full and super cute! you’ll be seeing more of these buns in the future 😉
Brady got in a good nap and we left from BB’s house to head out to Auntie + Uncle J’s house to celebrate Easter with the kids and do all the fun Easter-y things!
we painted bunnies + dyed eggs.. I aspire to be that all natural dye kind of mom, but until I get there PAAS will do 🙂 Ashley and I joked because neither of us knew how to dye eggs! this was a first for (me) and the girls!
Auntie served chicken parm and I ruined the salad by adding too much dressing. we made a huge pallet on the floor for the babes and the big kids watched a movie before bed and the adults popped a bottle of wine (or two..) and enjoyed the best conversation into the early hours of the morning.. which ultimately lead to an impromptu adult sleep over in the Dunaway guest room 🙂
Saturday morning was EARLY and we headed out to make it back to our neck of the woods in time for the egg hunt in our neighborhood. we filled our to-go mugs with coffee and walked the wagon up to the field near the park and there was a great turnout, but not overly crowded! the girls ended up walking away with a bag full of eggs, so they were happy campers.
the weather was AMAZING.
my maxi dress is from VICI and my denim jacket is from liverpool jeans and I got it in my most recent stitch fix box! my necklace is from jays + jewels! use code AMBER15 for 15% off your custom jewelry!
we came home for naps before our supper club friends came over for our annual egg hunt. we watched a little college basketball on the patio and finished off the afternoon with Rangers baseball.
we kept it simple and served burgers + oven fries + salad. we love Dole salad kits and I usually buy the BBQ ranch kind. I made some for the group and decided to put my salad on my burger! after I posted this to my stories on IG I got SO many messages about a recipe. well there it is 🙂 doesn’t get easier than that!
after dinner we hid some eggs for the hunt! each family brought two dozen filled eggs to hide.
..and before I could even get to my girls they had dumped and combined their loot and were divvying up the chocolate! oh, and there was a confetti egg war at some point in there.
my bestie + the babe that made her a mama
my beautiful + happy girls!
we’ve got 8 years of history in this group that got together for the first time as semi-strangers, meeting once a month for dinner, and became the best of friends. waiting on baby number 13 to make her arrival in the next few weeks!
Easter Sunday our church was PACKED. we arrived a half hour early to get into line for Little Village and they were closing the parking lot because it was full! we were able to check the babies into child care and the big girls were going to ‘big church’ with us.
by the time we got into the sanctuary there were only single seats left so Jordan and I split up, one girl with each of us, and sat about 5 rows apart. when it was time for introductions, I turned to my right to shake a girl’s hand across the aisle and she pulled me in close and offered her and her roommate’s seats so Jordan and I could sit together with the twins. for whatever reason that made my eyes well up with tears and I thanked her so much.
people are so awesome. we came home to dig into our easter baskets and have a snack before we left to go hang out with Jordan’s family for dinner. we don’t celebrate the easter bunny, but I do give the girls baskets- and they had so much fun opening them!
there are those space buns, again.
we got over to Tim + Teresa’s house around 1:30pm where we met BB + Papa, and Jenna (Jordan’s sister) and Adam + the kids. we had another egg hunt! number three this weekend!!
Jordan grilled steaks + chicken and we had twice baked potatoes, caesar salad, and southern baked beans!
my family. I’m so thankful for all that the Lord has provided us in this frame. I got a lot of questions about my dress- its from one of my favorite boutiques called Roolee! their dresses are under $50 (yes!) and most of them are mama-friendly! perfect length and shape for moving freely while chasing my babes and I’ll also mention that most of them are breastfeeding accessible! my wedges are by dolce vita and they are another item I got in my stitch fix box!
Jenna + Adam and my niece and nephew, Kendall + Truett!
Brady is taking 4-5 steps at a time and he thinks its so funny to go all limp-leg on me when I’m trying to show his BB or catch it on camera! stinker.
you better believe I brought my slippers for easter dinner. hey, at least they match my dress!
April 2, 2018
How did you start your super club?
I’ve had a lot of questions about this, so I’m working on a blog post to share about how we started! its sort of lengthy, but basically the husbands in our group were all mutual friends in high school and college.
Umm I’m exhausted just reading about your weekend!!! Sounds like SO much fun tho! Happy Easter Massey fam
I wish I knew what Baker was thinking in the pic with her looking at her new plate! So cute!! 🙂
We don’t really celebrate the Easter Bunny either, mainly by not over emphasizing it. My heart is to connect them to the cross, but we do talk Easter bunny a little bit just because they hear it everywhere else. How do you talk to the kiddos about hiding eggs etc? I’m so curious if there’s another way we could approach it.
Her face is the best!
For us, Easter/Easter Bunny is similar to Christmas/Santa. Mentioning that we don’t ‘celebrate’ the Easter bunny was meant to incline that we don’t forget about the real reason for the celebration- the resurrection and the fact that Jesus died for our sins. We hunt eggs and talk about the Easter bunny a little bit and do all the festive things associated with it, but don’t leave the focus on the bunny. The super cute bunny image is everywhere and all their little friends talk about it, so I don’t see anything wrong in hunting eggs or sharing easter baskets. I also don’t think there is a right or wrong way to approach it as long as you’re sharing the gospel with your children the way we are called to do 🙂
It’s great to know how others approach it, thank you for sharing! Sounds like we’re doing about the same. Except my girls probably thinking I’m crazy mom because every time Santa or EB is mentioned, I’m usually quick to follow it up with reminding them the reason for the seasons. I know their lil heads are thinking “we get it momma, we get it!”
with busy filled days- – my thoughts are alwasy- how are the littles gonna get their naps?! haha! you seem to be so good at going with the flow! something i’v gotta work on!
you’ve mentioned the nap thing before.. Baker doesn’t nap and hasn’t for almost a year- she dropped it around the the time the twins dropped theirs. She maybe gets one in about 2-3 times a week. Brady naps everyday and we plan our mornings and afternoons around that time.
Your family is precious!!! Thank you for sharing with us. I wish I would have more babies so my son could have a sibling. I love seeing the pictures of them together. I also wish I had your metabolism! LOL!!! I am a fellow CG Wut Wut so I am working on getting there.
Your family is just the cutest!