five on friday | sunshine + horses + ice cream

one. roly poly love

on Easter Sunday, uncle Adam introduced Parker and Jolie to a roly poly and they have been OBSESSED ever since. Parker came home from Miss Teresa’s house with one in a jar and would have slept with it in her bed if I wouldn’t have been able to convince her to let him sit on her dresser for the night.we went and visited Daddy at the fire station on Tuesday afternoon and Captain Harvey helped to fuel the roly poly obsession and we literally came home with a TON!! Baker making herself at home. she had more clothes on than this, but it was about 85 degrees + 100% humidity and the overalls I had her in were hot, so she stripped down to her onesie + sneakers!we had them in ball jelly jars with holes poked in the top. Jordan’s mom surprised them with an official bug keeper (like this one!) to keep their roly poly bugs in!     

two. riding lessons 

when we did the twins’ 5 year birthday photo shoot they completely fell in love with horses. the family that let us borrow the gorgeous horse we used for the shoot also offers riding lessons, so I got on the books asap for the spring season. we go for one hour/once a week and for now the twins will share the hour, so they get to do it together and cheer each other on!

this is Elvis. Elvis has trained thousands of kids to ride, so he was the perfect horse for the girls to start on!not only do they learn to ride, they also learn to care for the horse. brushing the horse and learning how to put the a blanket and saddle, too!our trainer, Caroline, is a high schooler and barrel racer that has a full schedule of kids of all ages that she trains. I’ve known her since she was three or four! her mom used to come up to sonic everyday when I was a car hop in high school and Jordan’s sister and I eventually started babysitting for them. Jenna was a nanny for Caroline and her twin brothers, so we have known the family a really long time! which makes it a little more comfortable for my girls to work with someone they know.  ..and Jolie is 15.   they had THE best time! they are already so excited for next week! its so crazy to me how comfortable they felt around the horse. Parker was giving Elvis sugars on his nose and talking so sweetly to him. I loved watching her with the animals. 

three. kindergarten round up

yesterday was a big day for Parker and Jolie. we’ve been hyping up kindergarten registration for the last couple weeks and the girls could hardly contain themselves- they are SO excited for kinder! Jolie got up and was dressed + hair fixed + shoes on before 9am. Brady and Baker stayed with their BB while Jordan and I took the big girls to their new school. after we did all the paperwork we went into the cafeteria where each girl individually went with a teacher for their assessments. sitting there with Jordan while we waited for the girls to return it was surreal for me to think that my girls would soon be eating lunch with their little friends in that cafeteria. playing in the gym, learning in a classroom, following day to day direction- all without their mom and dad to guide them. I am so thankful for their future teachers to help grow and mold our big girls!

after their assessments, the teacher that took Jolie back mentioned that when asked to draw a picture of herself she drew a picture of herself and a picture of Parker standing with her. if the water works weren’t already flowing, they surely were on the verge then!

we have decided that these two will be in separate classes- they learn completely different and its very apparent in their daily activities. I’ll share more about this soon, but they’ll thrive well without each other and thats what is important. after the round-up we stopped to get some ice cream to celebrate.

double scoop for our Parker + Jolie! 

four. diff eyewear

I shared this photo on IG yesterday of me and my gorgeous girls. I am wearing a pair of sunnies from Diff’s brand new spring collection! I’m wearing the rose gold quartz glitter cosmo frames and LOVE how they fit! I’m a big fan of the aviator frame, but these are so fun for the summer.

use code MASSEYA for a 25% discount on any of their newest 2018 sunnies!

five. feels like summer! ..well except for today. and tomorrow will be a high of like 50. so thats annoying. but before now its been such awesome weather! earlier this week we were wearing shorts + tank tops! I say I’m SO ready for summer and warm weather until it comes and then I’m dying of heat and burning my butt on the leather seats in my car.  theres not a ton of balance in the weather here in Texas. at all. I ordered Brady a bunch of tank tops and shorts and they came in the mail this week! I’ve linked a few of my favs from old navy and H&M 🙂

H & M

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happy weekend!

April 6, 2018

  1. Sam says:

    Hi! As always love your little fam but question. How does Baker do with the onesie snaps and potty training?? I gave them up because it was such a struggle (and still is I suppose!) Am I missing something?!

    • amber says:

      Hey Sam! we don’t wear them very often- but since she was wearing overalls it is easiest to wear the onesie! I still help her when she goes potty, so I just snap and unsnap her romper or onesie any time she goes for her.

  2. Elle says:

    I recently discovered your blog and am loving it. Your kids are adorable. What photo-editing do you use to get your photos that color?

    • amber says:

      Hey Elle! Thanks for following along! Ive recently been using ColorStory on my iPhone for editing. I love the “Seasons”, “Golden”, and “Mood” filter packs. Hope that helps!

  3. Brittany H. says:

    If you get a chance, check out the B. toy brand “Tiki Retreat” for bugs. It is the cutest! We found it at target but it’s not on their website. Only B. brand toys site.

  4. Tiffani says:

    We also have twin girls that will start kinder this Fall and I am really torn on whether to put them in different classrooms. Would love to hear more about how you came to the decision. Love your blog!