Parker Jane
String Bean is currently weighing in at 21 pounds, wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
..All that being said, we can still squeeze your tiny little bootie in size 6 month pants.
Dare I say that you are sleeping through the night, again.
..teething really gets you in the sleep department, but this month had been well.
No new teeth this month.
..the 12 teeth coming in over the last 6 months are no officially IN.
I should have bought stock in baby Tylenol.
You got your first pair of “real” shoes this month.
..I hate them.
Mostly I hate them because “real shoes” also means that you are a real toddlers.
..Stop it.
Your appetite has much improved- you really do love to eat.
..peanut butter oats, bananas, blackberries {all fruit, really} , eggs,
bean & rice burgers are among your favorites.
Your motor development and agility far exceeds other kiddos we play with.
..climbing, running, walking up & down stairs, and using utensils while eating come easy to you.
Last month you started practicing your dance moves.
..this month you are definitely ready for back-up dancer extraordinaire.
You do the shoulder lean and head snap like a boss.
..I wonder if Paula Abdul is in the market. MC Hammer, perhaps? Probably.
I feel like you want/need/must out-bee-bop your sister.
..Competitor runs deep.
A girl after my own heart.
Your few of your favorite things at 16 months:
The play kitchen. You love to ‘cook’ and offer imaginary bites of yummy food.
Cups and straws. You go to town putting straws in & out of the cups.
Baking Soda. For whatever reason you love toddling into the pantry to bring me the box of baking soda. And for whatever reason your momma continues to place it back on the same low shelf within your short little arm’s reach.
Stacking blocks and puzzles. You continue to come back to these toys for entertainment.
Playing outside. ALL.Dayyyy.Long.
Face Time when Dad is at the fire station.
Jolie. You love, love, love your sister. This has been a growing trend over the last couple months, but this month you really show a motherly concern over her when she is upset.
Wrapping your legs around my waist and leaning your head on my shoulder while I hold you.
Ok..that last one is probably your momma’s favorite
Outgoing, hilariously goofy, wears a contagious smile, and most of all, pretty over dramatic.
..All words that describe your perfect personality.
But most of all, little Missy, you are simply sweet as pie.
Love you, Boo Bear.
Jolie Grace
Little bit, you are still smaller than your sister by a whole pound {20 pounds}
..but your belly and teeninsy rolls on your legs far exceed Miss Parker’s by a long shot.
You are wearing size 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diapers.’ll be wearing that size for what will seem like forever.
You have a couple new teeth this month, bringing you to 12 total {6 on top, and 6 on bottom}.
..the newest being your second front right.
How I love and adore that tooth-filled grin.
You’ve randomly become a picky eater.
..I secretly think this is because you despise the fork and spoon.
You want so badly to understand and master that motor skill.
..and I know it will click for you, soon, baby girl.
You will happily eat anything with your hands
..which is mostly fruit. And snacks.
Milk, water, ALL fruits and vegetables, peanut butter oats, cheesy eggs, rice, and pasta.
..just a few of your favorite foods.
Momma can’t keep your sippy cup of water full. suck it down like you didn’t have a swing/gulp/chug 3 minutes ago.
Easy-going, care-free and clumsy describe you perfectly. can’t turn a corner without taking a topple, which never phases you at all.
You pop right up and take off once again.
..falling over in another 5 feet or so.
You are ready to talk.
..babbling is at an all time high, but this month it includes gestures and facial expressions.
Kills me.
..We can have a full on conversation without you even saying a word.
Intellectually you are above the mark. as a whip and usually the first to understand a request or command.
A few of your favorite things at 16 months:
Puppy. This isn’t going to change any time soon.
The hand-me-down horse from your momma’s childhood. You sit quietly and read or play while sitting up on that horse. It melts me every time.
Accessories. Bracelets, watches, necklaces, handbags. You love them all, and you know how to stack those bagels well, girl.
Pushing boxes, bags, toys {anything, really..} across the floor. Your recent obsession is with the bin that holds the dog food. Your sister goes for the baking soda, and you bee line for the dog food.
Playing outside.
The dogs and their puppy licks. The laugher that comes out of your mouth when Daphnee or Maggie lick your face is like nothing I can put into words.
Cuddling in momma or dad’s lap. You are by far the best cuddler.
My precious Jolie Grace. This world is brighter with you in it, little girl. The sweetest kisses, all smiles, and hardly any tears. Every one comments on your unique eyes and warm demeanor.
I wouldn’t change a thing. I ADORE you, little bit.
Happy 16 months, Little Birds! We love you to the moon and back.

Your girls are so sweet! Love reading these updates… so fun to watch them grow. How fast has time gone? My goodness!
I cannot wait to hug on these sweet babes this weekend!
I love your blog!!! I've been following since you were pregnant, and my twin girls were born about 5 months after yours. This post especially touched my heart. It makes me excited about what's to come with my girls 🙂 Keep up the great work! You are seriously becoming my idol.
The picture of the girls hugging may just be the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! Happy 16 months P & J!
how time has flown. They are beautiful
LOVE the pictures of the girls hugging and kissing! That is too precious!
I also enjoy the way you write these updates. They are so fun to read 🙂
They are just precious. You have 2 beautiful girls. I love the pictures of them together.
Your twins are so cute. I have twins too, boy and girl at 10 months old. I admit I wish I dressed my little Elizabeth as cute as your adorable daughters. My blogging friend and mother of twins Katherine (jagstyleblog) referred me to your blog as I am trying to meet bloggers of twins. You have a new bloglovin follower. 🙂 Rachel xo
they are honestly the cutest and most beautiful little girls I've ever seen! So blessed are y'all!! 🙂
They are absolutely adorable! I love reading their updates too. Seems like just yesterday you were pregnant with them.
Katherine @ Upon a Rainbow
Gosh, I can't believe that they are 16 months!! Geez! Time flies. They just get more precious by the month.