High Five For Friday: 8.24.2012

This week has been a blur of moving, un-packing boxes, furniture placement, and 4:15am alarms.  Oh, yea- I have a commute to work, now.  It is only about 35 minutes- enough time for me to listen to the news or bounce to Jeremy Camp and drink my coffee.  But when my first client enters the door around 7:15am I need to be here early.  I have taken advantage of the fact that for the past year I have lived 0.8 miles from my work- which means it took  me longer to walk to the garage to get into my car that is did to drive to work.  Plus, I’ve been to work early all week long (this does not happen, ever.)- making it easier for me to hit the door around 3:30pm to make it home before traffic.  Anyway- through all the long days of sleepiness and un-packing, this week has been a good one.. although I am so very thankful for the weekend that lies ahead.

Linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk!

1.)  I pre-registered at the hospital this week- makes it a little more real now.  Half the time I forget I’m pregnant with two babies in my belly.  And then I drop my pen or something like that, and watching my attempt to bend down to retrieve it is quite humorous. 

2.)  Every day after work I’ve come home to enjoy peanut butter and banana toast.  every.day.  It is so good- and I’ve recently discovered this dark chocolate variety, and even though I’m not the biggest chocolate-lover on earth (probably the only women alive to have ever made this statement.) this chocolate peanut butter is delicious- and pairs wonderfully with banana:)

3.)  Our new cable set up includes the movie channels (courtesy of my sweet husband due to the fact I will be home for the next three months with nothing to do but watch movies..) and last night one of my all time favorite movies was on- Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken.  It has been over 12 years since I’ve seen it last- so I was simply elated to watch it cozy in my bed while eating my chocolate peanut butter and banana toast.  Jordan was at the fire station yesterday, so I watched all kinds of girly movies on encore Woman– lol.

4.) Wednesday officially marked the day that I completed my seemingly never-ending task of unboxing our things.  It felt so good to have nothing to do last night- after three plus weeks of coming home from work and either cleaning, packing, or un-packing right up until bedtime.  My girly movies were well deserved!

5.)  My sweet department at work surprised me with a baby shower:)  I was so surprised and excited to see all the pink boxes and bags for my sweet girls.  My director catered in lunch, and instead of our monthly board meeting, we enjoyed punch, cheese, fruit and veggie trays, chicken, and veggie quesadillas.. oh and a huge cake.  The cakes catered through the hospital are pretty good, so I enjoyed a slice- with lots of frosting!  I always make my call of the corner piece.  Pictures to come next week!

It was a good week, but I just have one word to say- TGIF.  Not really a word.. but letters.. so I technically have 4 letters for you.  Looking forward to enjoying my weekend- we have no plans tonight, Spaghetti and Meatballs are on the menu- yum.  Maybe there will be a repeat of number 3, and I can make Jordan sit through it with me for a second time. 

Have a happy weekend!

August 24, 2012

  1. what spread sounds like nutella therefore delicious!

    Happy Sunday! Drop by nichollvincent.blogspot.com and say hello!