Verdict Is..


Bed rest is working beyond expectations:) 

After three solid days of laying in bed (aside from the occasional potty break) I went for my follow-up appointment this morning.  I did the sonogram first to check my cervix and to see how well strict bed rest worked, and my/our prayers were answered. The funneling is significantly reduced- even has started to close- and my cervical length increased from 3.0 to 3.2. I could have hugged that sonographer’s neck when she explained the image we were viewing on the screen.  

I should have anyway- Dixie has been there through it all with me.. starting 3 years ago when I was diagnosed with PCOS. 

Next was the doctor’s visit.  My doctor was very pleased with the results and was happy to send me back home instead of the hospital for continued bed rest.  While all this is well and good, I’m still not in clear waters.  I go back next week (Thursday) for a NST (non-stress test) and sonogram to review my condition.  The NST will determine if and when I’m having contractions- because I cannot feel them (yet..).  This will help my OB determine if she needs to up my dosage of the Procardia from just once a day to twice a day.  She even made mention of having home health coming a couple times a week to monitor me outside my doctor visits.  It is funny she mentioned this because I had just read in my Week by Week book of this in-home monitoring.  My heart was already being prepared for the coming news on Tuesday and the follow-up results on Thursday.  God works in such wonders.. but what is even more amazing is when you can actually see it happening right before your eyes.  (Looking back to my 24 week appointment when my OB used her clinical judgement and went ahead and started me on steroids for lung development in case something were to change with me condition..)   

The only thing I was looking forward to this morning was getting to see my beautiful babies.  I kept whispering to myself “You (God) are in control.  You are in control” and focusing on the fact that I was getting to see my little wiggle worms in just a short while. 

The girls are still growing by the day- literally.  Parker is now weighing 2 pound, 3 ounces (up 3 ounces in three days..) and Jolie gained and ounce and is now weighing 1 pound, 14 ounces.  They are 3 days apart, now.. which, according to Dixie, is totally normal.  She has had twins measuring 2 weeks apart.  At 26 weeks the babies have opened their eyes and can now see light and blink.  We actually got to watch Jolie blink her eyes and take a gulp of amniotic fluid.  In the sono picture above her little eyes are open:)  Parker has a little more meat on her bones and her cheeks are a little more full, but you can tell even from this sonogram how different they will look.  

Dixie is learning to use her 4D sono equipment and was able to practice on us (we will always be the guinea pig for that!).  Jolie cooperated for us and we were able to get a shot of her face.  She has her momma’s nose (who also has her momma’s nose..)  

For reference, the amnion is the line of separation of the two sacs. These babies are all over the place- but still smooshed against each other as close as they can get.  So precious.

No sure of you can tell, but her hand is wrapping around her face on the lower right.   

We go to the perinatologist on October 3rd for the 4D sonogram, so I’ll share more pictures after that appointment.       

Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers these past couple of days! Simple emails, text messages, and phone calls has been tremendous for lifting my/our spirits.  It is amazing to be shown those that care and go out of their way to show it.  We have been spoiled with a hot meal every night, and stacks of magazines, books, and fun things for this laid up preggo.  Love you more than you know (and you know who you are.)

We are so blessed!  This appointment was a great way to start our weekend.. giving such relief and peace about this whole thing.  

It is amazing what bed rest can do!  Hoping for continued good news next week for my first NST!

September 21, 2012

  1. yahhhh!!! keep resting! I was on procardia and magnesium for 12 weeks! It kept my little one in!

  2. So happy to read the good news! Continuing to pray for you and those sweet babes!

  3. We LOVE you!! Looks like you had a great baby shower too! Can;t wait to hear more about it!