Bird Dog

Like I mentioned last week, J and his dad took Daphnee and Maggie out to The Ranch for a short quail hunt in the season opener.

Daphnee hadn’t seen birds since last season, but Jordan was SO excited to see his bird dog do her thing so naturally.

How pretty is she?!

Roy brought his pup Maggie along for her first experience with quail.  From what I hear she did quiet well, too!

Love my crazy girl, Daph.  

Jordan came home raving about how well his dog did.  This is just Daphnee’s third year to hunt and last year the bird forecast was pretty pathetic (first year she was still super young, but they took her anyway).  Jordan was fearful that she has gotten too old to train her with little bird experience, but as you can see, she has got it down.

Our other bird dog.. well.. sort of.  She was never much the hunter.   Now baby girl is just old.  Brittany stayed home with me:)

Hoping J will be able to make his annual trip to Kansas for pheasant hunting.. the plan is for he and Roy to make the trip at the end of next week.   Fingers crossed that my baby status wont put a damper on things:)

November 5, 2012

  1. Julia says:

    Your blog is adorable! Just wanted to let you know! Greeting from Munich, Germany!