What I Wore Wednesdays

There is a whole heck of a lot of baby talk on this little blog-o-mine.  Like.. A LOT.  So- I have decided with this new year, new babies, and new blog design, I’m going to start something, well.. new.  

After my entire life 9 months of repeat outfits, and then graduating to bed ridden pajama pants and too-small maternity tops I feel like I have a whole new wardrobe to get into, and I cannot wait.  I have spent  many morning nap times trying on ‘new’ clothes and putting together outfits to wear out of the house (if I ever get there..) and for when I go back to work (just a few days away!)  So, with all of that being said, I am going to start posting “What I Wore Wednesdays.” I got the idea from my precious friend, Sarah and her amazing WIWW (What I Wore Wednesday) outfit posts.  She and I met through the blogger world, but I can practically call her my BFF these days between our hourly daily emails and chat sessions and blog stalking- I know all about her;)

Does that mean the outfit I choose it is what I wore on that particular Wednesday? Heck no.  I m not that put together, people.  I am currently rocking sleeping babies in their bouncy seats with my feet as I type.  So, no.. it just means that I am posting on Wednesdays. Will I get a post up every Wednesday? Hopefully, but two babies, transitioning back to work, my sweet husband, and life in general will ultimately take priority.  But, showing you that I am somewhat put together on most days will hopefully give confidence to other new mommas for their own sake.  It is possible to have spit-up free hair and a full face of makeup- even though there have been many days these past two months that make-up and spit-up free hair did not happen- and I’m okay with that.

So- for my first official WIWW post: 

Am I wearing this today?  Nope.. I wore this on Sunday to church.  One thing you will learn about me is that my my entire wardrobe is practically from Loft.  I love and adore that store.  Affordable, cute, and they ALWAYS have a sale.  Always

And this outfit.. LOFT.  Everything was on sale, too:)  I wear these boots all the time during the cooler months.  I bought them three years ago and love wearing them just as much as I did the first time I put them on.  They are so very comfortable and I get a ton of compliments.  I seriously suggest investing in a pair of good boots you can wear with almost anything.  I’m surprised they have lasted as long as they have.. I don’t think I spent even $100 on them.  Sweet!  

top: Loft / skinnies: Loft / boots: Madden Girl @ DSW / watch: Fossil 
bracelets: first Mondays Trade Days

It’s clear I love the bangles.  LOVE them. I’m also wearing my P&J necklace  

There you have it.  My first WIWW post success!

Happy Wednesday!


January 30, 2013

  1. Elizabeth says:

    LOVE your outfit! I have VERY similar boots to those and I love them, too!! I've never shopped at the Loft but it seems like they have some adorable stuff! I will check it out once I get back to the states! 🙂

  2. Jaime says:

    Love your outfit! The Loft always has the best sales. I hate to buy anything at full price because I know the next weekend it will be on sale!

    Stopping by and following from the linkup 🙂

    –Jaime @ tobystailsblog.blogspot.com

  3. The Joiners says:

    Cute, cute! Can't wait until I get to stop wearing these same maternity clothes every day…

  4. SUPER CUTE! You are just adorable and so is your outfit. I love the braclets, they really give it that extra somethin' special. Thanks so much for linking up today, pretty girl!

  5. Katie says:

    you are SO cute!! i love the bracelets and the color of that shirt!

  6. Ginny says:

    You look great! I love this coral on you, and look at you writing a post while rocking babies. That's multitasking at its finest!

  7. You look so adorable! I am LOVING your blog. I hope to start a WIWW series as well…maybe on another day though. 🙂 We'll see. Great post!

    My Polished Side Blog

  8. super cute outfit!! new follower 🙂

  9. Bobbie says:

    Adorable…. love the khaki and orange together. looks comfy and stylish

  10. I love everything about your outfit! So cute! Your blog is great!


  11. You look adorable! Love your top!

  12. Amy Bennett says:

    Oh, huge Loft fan here too!! That outfit is so cute!

  13. so cute! love it all!

  14. I love the stripes and I'm a succor for orange so this outfit is awesome

  15. Sarah Tucker says:

    My friend is SO pretty! And one hot momma! You are tiny after just having babies almost two months ago! They are sucking the calories right out of you! xo!

  16. Sarah says:

    HOly cow girl, you look amazing for just having twins! Congrats on your girls. Love the stripped shirt and the color. Hopping over from Because Shanna Said So.

  17. Lisa Odom says:

    You are too cute!

    I have three girls and we love Loft also. Just wait until those babies grow up and start shopping with you! I love when me and my girls shop together.

  18. Meg Cady says:

    There is seriously no way you just had twins. Really. SO STINKING CUTE, so STINKING SKINNY! Congrats to you ma'am!

  19. Mia Maree says:

    Good for you! Hope you have fun with WIWW!!


  20. Sherry says:

    Very CUTE! I love the stripe top and the combination is perfect!

  21. Lisa @bitesforbabies says:

    Hi there, new follower from bitesforbabies.com. I just posted about a much needed mommy makeover after baby…mine was bangs!!! Cute outfit 😉

  22. Kristal says:

    You are so cute! Love the coral! Your blog is adorable and you look fantastic for having twins oh my goodness!
    New follower!

  23. Such a cute outfit! Love that bright fun color!!

  24. How cute are you?? The colors on those stripes are darling. Stopping by from the Pleated Poppy!



  25. Becky says:

    Stopping by from the Pleated Poppy, I love it! Fun color, too.

  26. You are too cute! Love the bright colors…love that you wear them during the winter months, although it doesn't look too cold where you are?! Poked around your blog, it's great, such a fun space, I'm excited to follow along!

  27. Adorable outfit! Such a great color on you. Looking forward to the new WIWW posts!

  28. Alisa Marie says:

    You look so adorable! I love that tangerine color on you! Thank you so much for linking up with Diaries of A Bargainista! Can't wait to see what you come up with next week!


  29. Emily says:

    I work part time at LOFT and loved this outfit so much that I bought the shirt tonight! Thanks for the inspiration, I never would have thought to put it with brown boots!

  30. Courtney says:

    Super cute outfit & I love your hair!

  31. Liz M says:

    Just found your blog yesterday and I love it, SO cute! Married to a firefighter myself with our first baby on the way. Your family is precious and you are just soooo tiny for just have TWO babies a few months ago!

  32. Hi there! I'm a new follower and I'm so glad I clicked through your archives and found this post! It gives me hope that my wardrobe is not dead and gone now that I've had a baby, because believe me I've had those no make up, spit in hair days. I really like the idea of WIWW…that's a really neat idea. Thanks for sharing!