Nine Through Thirty-Seven

For fun I’ve been meaning to timeline all of my weekly bump pictures together into one big collage.  Week by week I could never quite see the progression I can looking at them all together like this.. I knew I was getting bigger.. and I FELT bigger (everyday), but seeing how much change occured as the weeks {flew} by is so amazing. God is SO very good.


3 months

 4 months

 5 months

 6 months

 7 months

 8 months

 9 months

Oh, how I miss that belly. 


June 6, 2013

  1. chelsey says:

    You were seriously ALL belly the entire time. Right now that's how I am (at 24 weeks with two girls) and I'm hoping it stays that way. We'll see how it goes!

  2. Oh my gosh how cute! You rocked that belly!

  3. Kaylin says:

    You are just too cute!!! It's so crazy how much bigger they are getting every week. Two little slices of heaven!!

  4. I love looking over these pictures! Makes me so excited about my upcoming belly!

  5. Sarah Tucker says:

    Gosh, you are so gorgeous!! P and J are so lucky to have a beautiful and loving momma like you!!

  6. Lara says:

    You were the cutest pregnant lady!!! Beautiful smile!

  7. Kara says:

    I'm so doing this picture a week thing when the time comes! It is so cool to see them grow ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. You looked beautiful all the way through. I am 30 weeks pregnant with twin girls and it is so nice to see how well you carried yourself until the end. I can only hope and pray that will be me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Amber says:

    Amber I LOVE this! What a fun idea. You are so incredibly beautiful…you are just glowing in all these pictures!

  10. The Joiners says:

    So crazy to think those sweet little girls were in there that whole time! Fun to see the progression for sure ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Jenn says:

    You were seriously adorable your entire pregnancy. I could barely fake a smile by 35 weeks, and you looked great.

    Our Little Miracles

  12. Sheena says:

    You were so cute…still are but that belly was definitely the star of the show? Do you really miss it? I can't say that…well, maybe I can. I guess I miss the belly but not the weight of it, the amount of energy it took at night to just roll over, the swollen footsies at the end…you know. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Just came across your blog via Tucker Up! Love love love it! ๐Ÿ™‚


  14. Katie says:

    you were such a gorgeous pregnant woman!! seriously SO cute!

  15. Em_J says:

    Fantastic pics – so cool to see the progression!