One week into my 29th year I’ve come to a conclusion.. 29 is going to be WAY better than 28. Not because I feel much different at all, but because of what I get to do my entire 29th year, and for many year after that. Be a mom.
Bomb diggity.
My birthday {weekend} this year was super low key and spent with the most important people on this planet: my friends and family.
On my actual birthday Jordan and I spent the day carting around the girls and running errands as a family. Of course by errands I mean shopping and eating- so this included a stop at the mall to pick out something cute at my favorite clothing store (ok- so a couple of ‘somethings’. LOFT was having a sale and I birthday guilted Jordan into buying me stuff. Nothing in particular, just stuff.)
After being without my teddy for a longgggg week, we stopped into Build a Bear just to check out pricing. Before I promised Miss Jolie a Build a Bear of her own, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to be spending $37 on a stuffed animal and a ‘special’ fabric heart that was ‘rubbed with love’ before being stitched together. I figured she was a little young to actually enjoy that experience anyway, so I didn’t want to spend an arm and a leg.
To my surprise those bears were cheaper than I had expected. We showed Jolie a few of them and of course she was giddy with excitement- so freakin’ precious. When we turned to leave, she shrieked with sadness because we weren’t leaving WITH a bear of her own.
Well okay then, little bit. We can play! Parenting win number one: Always give your child what she wants. (Read sarcasm here.)
I knew she wanted one- and I wanted my bear back, so it was a win win for everyone.
I was amazed at her delight and participation with the whole thing. Parker.. she could care less about the entire ordeal and sat quietly in the stroller just observing the insanity over a teddy.. err.. puppy dog. Judged us all over the course of 11 minutes spent in that store.
The puppy comes alive!
Wrapped around my finger. Definitely.
She carried that thing everywhere in a death grip for the remainder of the day.
The rest of that day was spent with more shopping and more eating. We ended the night at Cheesecake- overstuffed and sleepy. And then I went home to eat some ice cream.
It was my birthday so I was allowed.
Saturday Jordan and I headed out to the ballpark to watch the Rangers play in one of the last games of the season. We opted not to take the girls this time- Our tickets were very close to the field and was not shaded- and so not good for the baby skin to be exposed to the sun for that long.
They had a fun play date at their BB and Poppa’s house with Aunt Jenna and Cousin Kendall.
Baby chatter is oh-so-cute if you ask me!
Happy Birthday to meeeeee! We met Ashley and Jarrett at The Snooty Pig for breakfast before heading out to the game. Ashley walked up with cuppy cakes, and of course it was appropriate at 10am to eat 7 cups of sugar in one sitting. Its still my birthday. I can do whatever I want.
13 rows up!
Kettle Corn is amazing. I have recently discovered this salty sweet goodness. Why have I been missing out? And how amazing did it taste at the ball park?!
Before the rain.. The game was originally Saturday evening, but MLB decided to change it to 11am due to risk of rain. We got rained on anyway..
Actually.. it poured. And it was SO fun. The game was a really good one, so it made it even more fun to root for our Rangers while it was down pouring. I kept wishing for a hat. Maybe I would have left with a little make up on if I would have had one.
After the game I got a hot shower and cleaned up enough to meet Jordan’s family for dinner at Blue Goose and then.. yes.. more cuppy cakes. YUM!
28 was a year of change- so many exciting things happened while 28 and I will never forget it. 29 has already begun and its amazing. I can’t wait to see what it has in store for me. I can already tell its gonna be greatness.

Such a fun birthday weekend for you! Yes, that game was a blast! We were there too! You did better than me though. As soon as it started pouring I was out of my seat and under something to keep me dry! 🙂
Happy Birthday! It seems as though you had a grand time surrounded by those you love. At the end of the day, what more could we really ask for!
Um. Who told the girls it was ok to stand up like they were adults and knew what they were doing? not cool girls, not cool!
2. you totaly need to do a makeup how to post and share what you wear. I always love your eye makeup! So pretty!
c. HAPPY 29'th Birthday for the first time!! 😉