Girls nights are my specialty. You wanna know how I know?
I get texts from Jordan every time he is on shift “I wish I was there with ya’ll’.
Everyone does..because duh, babies. CUTE babies.
But really, when daddy is away, its all about girl time.
On the days I’m home we run errands (Sonic, Starbucks, Target, Target..mostly Target), go to the park, have picnic lunches, lots of princess movies, and playing dress up.
We love to play dress up. And by WE I mean ME.
They are so good to play along, too.
During the week I get home late afternoon. Just late enough that it isn’t worth going anywhere without having to be rushed home for make dinner for these two, but thankfully we have the space in the backyard to run.
They don’t even know I’m around these days.
We play. We play HARD. Then we eat our hearts out at dinner. Sometimes its chicken nuggets. Cereal and milk is a high demanded request via Parker Jane. Mac and Cheese is Jolie’s favorite. But one thing is for sure – most of the time I do not make something ‘solid’ at dinner on the days J is at work.
Then it is off for a sister sleep over – school night or not.
We sure do miss daddy when he is away, but girls night is our specialty.
Thats the life of a firefighter wife, I suppose.

This is so cute! I love all of the pictures of them playing! When Chris works late we are the same way. I keep the house stocked up with quick dinner options. Lol
They're outfits are so cute!!! Absolutely adorable!
I LOVE the way you style them; best dressed littles I've ever seen. Your blog is such a treat, keep it up! ��