How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain: 5 pounds, but I feel like I’ve gained about 15. I don’t feel bloated or anything like that, but I noticed the thickening of my waistline a lot faster this go round. (pre-pregnancy 118lbs)
Maternity clothes? No, not really. I say no, but I never stopped wearing several of my favorite maternity tanks – they doubled as nursing tanks..and now I just don’t have a good excuse. This belly has popped out like a mother, so it won’t be much longer before my regular tops are a no-go.
Sleep: I struggled with insomnia starting in the second trimester with Parker and Jolie.. and there have been few nights I’ve struggled to stay asleep the entire night. I am exhausted and nap here and there whenever I can get one in (Jordan has been amazing in allowing this).
Best moment this week: Getting to see our little sprout! We went in for the First Trimester Screen on Monday this week and got to get a peek. So much has changed in just a couple weeks! I loved getting to see he/she wiggle around. The baby did an extra long stretch and rolled over on he/she’s side. I nearly teared up to watch. Gender prediction was also made.. and we will be finding out with our friends and family at a Gender Reveal Party in a few weeks! Can’t wait!
Worst Moment this week: My entire house has been so, so, so, sick. We have been battling upper respiratory infections, and now strep, and basically feeling like crap. Congestion has made me so uncomfortable its unreal.
Miss Anything? Sangria and Sushi. I could go for a glass of the red stuff and an entire Tuna Tower to myself right about now.
Cravings: Aside from seafood (in the raw!), I have been going to the store 2-3 times a week to replenish what I eat through in fruit and vegetables. Mango, strawberries, apples..and the biggest salads you can think of. In the early weeks, all I wanted was a Big Mac (or three).
Symptoms: Typical first-trimester exhaustion. Food aversion at its finest. I’ve made dinner multiple times – and the smell that consumes my house of anything in the crock pot totally ruins any chance of eating dinner that night. Cereal it is! If you aren’t a fruit or a salad of some kind, move along. My boobs have exploded through my shirts and are incredibly sore (no thanks to the occasional boob punch to make sure they still hurt..) I thought for a half a second that I was getting my energy back over the weekend, but getting back into a regular workday grind proved otherwise. I have been WIPED out this week.
Looking forward to: Finding out gender! We are hosting a party with our family and friends, and chose to find out in front of them all – I did warn Jordan that there is a 50/50 chance of this baby being a GIRL.. Jordan is predicting girl..and so am I. He was correct in his intuition about Parker and Jolie, so we shall see. I had a girlfriend call the office to get the confirmation as well as send a short message to the Etsy shop making the confetti bombs for the reveal, and I was fine until I realized those bombs were ship yesterday and they’ll be at my fingertips in just a few days time. I’m such a snooper, but I will refrain.

Moving right along aren't we Mama? I remember those tired tired days. I would wake up, work a few hours, eat, sleep, eat, and sleep. What a cycle, huh?
Happy your house is getting over all the sickness too.
You're too cute!! You look great.
you are so cute!
Oh my gosh! You are seriously so freaking cute!
You look so cute! I hope your family starts feeling better soon! I've been sick too so I feel your pain π
Looking adorable!!!!!!!!!!! π
Oh man, you look so adorable! ;)I am 24 weeks with boy/girl twins and the exhaustion never went away. And sushi. I want sushi so badly. π I suspect that will be my first meal after I deliver these darlings. Although I may have to sleep a week first. π Congrats on this second pregnancy!!!
I will be 13 weeks on Saturday and it is going to be so fun to watch your pregnancy journey as I go through mine being due only days apart! I have also been struggling with lots of congestion with some sort of cold or sinus infection the last 10 days and have been miserable. We aren't finding out the gender, so I'm very excited to see what you will be having and to continue to watch your bump updates!!
What an exciting post to read today π
I am so glad to read the crockpot wasn't the only dreaded thing in my house for a while … Lol! Can't wait to keep following you through this journey
You are just the cutest preggo ever! Love your adorable photos!
Congrats! I've just discovered your blog. I'm also 13 weeks now! Can't wait to read your updates!
Just found your blog! As a pediatric dietitian (almost 13 weeks with my second) your posts are so fun to read!! Could you tell me which etsy shop you are using for the gender reveal confetti pops? Thanks!
I just found your blog via Pinterest and let me just say that I will be stalking it for the next 6ish months. I'm a happily married 95lb 24 year old and pregnant with my first children, yes twins. I love that you tracked your weeks, now I feel like I have something to go off of from someone who's weight wasn't so far off from my own. π You're a fantastic mommy! Thanks for the TWINspiration!
xoxo lots of love from South Louisiana!