cords / (non-maternity)
How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain: I did not get on the scale this week (again..? Maybe I should..) – but these boobs have got to weigh something. They may not be much to (most) of you..but they are all up in my space at the moment.
Maternity clothes? Gap Body tees and tanks are a favorite (as I mentioned
HERE). Wearing some maternity pants, but working with the belly band (Target brand) for as long as I can squeeze myself in my pre-
pre pregnancy pants.
Sleep: Amazing. I could sleep for days, I feel like. I need just ONE day to sleep until like one o’clock in the afternoon. Just one. Who wants to babysit?
Best moment this week: THE best moment of this week hasn’t occurred yet..
Worst Moment this week: Exhaustion has been really hard- trying to chase
around the girls from day to day & still manage the house/blog/work. TIRED
is an understatement. Thankful for a super, duper helpful husband.
Miss Anything? I absolutely hate these random food aversions. Cooking has become a burden – toast or dry cereal sounds better than anything in my exploding pantry- my poor family. Jordan is a great cook, so we/they are surviving.
Cravings: Eating my weight in fruit. No matter what kind it is. Greek yogurt and oatmeal are regular (and EASY) favorites.
Symptoms: So, so, so, soooooo sleepy. First trimester symptoms have not subsided. I am THANKFUL I am not sick at all.
Looking forward to: The Gender Reveal Party is THIS weekend!! Gender was determined a couple weeks ago..and we have been patiently waiting for this Saturday to arrive. Will Jordan remain a ‘girl dad 4 life’ or will we be welcoming a sweet baby boy into the mix?? Cannot wait!

Amber! We have so much in common!! I am 14 weeks today! My weekly updates are funny too! Read mine at
I want to sleep all day and yes food aversions are not fun right now!
Follow me beautiful!
We're debating on how to reveal the gender. With our first we were just too excited and called everyone…but I want G to have a big sister part in it. Our doctor won't look at gender until 19-20 weeks to help ensure accuracy. We've only got 3 to 4 weeks left until then. Will you have gender confirmed later? My friend found out that early and was later told the gender was different. I can't wait to see the reveal.
I think all stages of pregnancy are the most exciting thing! The sweet joy in it! Have so much revealing your gender this weekend 🙂
I love reading your blog! I just have to say that you are so patient waiting to find out the gender even though you could have known a few weeks ago! I'm sure you are so ready to know! I'm looking forward to finding out through pictures!
Whooo!! Cannot wait for the gender reveal! I will be patiently (not really) stalking IG all weekend 😉
Your hair style and color totally suits you. You look great!!!
You are just too cute!
Hope you have a great gender reveal party!