oversized cardigan/ (non-maternity)
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Gap Body tees and tanks are a favorite (as I mentioned
HERE). Wearing some maternity pants, but working with the belly band (Target brand) for as long as I can squeeze myself in my pre-
pre pregnancy pants. I am about to give up on those pants with buttons and make a full transition to maternity pants. I am fine for the first half of the day, but after lunch and by the time I get home from work I am so uncomfortable..
Sleep: Really, really well. We have a couple babies that are having a hard time sleeping through the night (thank youuuu two year molars time eight), and I am extra thankful for the husband that gets up with them so I can snooze right on.
Best moment this week: The gender reveal party over the weekend! Such a wonderful time and special day for our family.
Worst Moment this week: I started feeling a little under the weather on Monday evening and it progressively got worse through this week. You know when you can just literally feel the pressure building in your sinuses? Yea. That kind. Makes me even less motivated to do ANYthing. I feel like such a complainer these days.
Miss Anything? Feeling comfortable in my clothes. BUT- I feel like I’ve got an entirely new wardrobe for this summer after pulling out my bin of maternity clothes. What girl doesn’t love that? Oh and THE SUN.. looking at this picture I am feeling rather pale..
Cravings: Mexican Food! I could each chips and salsa for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am also stuck on my afternoon bowl of fruit (of any kind) and Greek yogurt. I almost look forward to it on my drive home from work.
Symptoms: I’ll spare you the complaints of exhaustion.. but do not be surprised if you find me under my desk at work taking the opportunity for a quick cat nap. I started getting nose bleeds this week. I got them ALL the time when I was pregnant with the twins, so this does not surprise me.
Looking forward to: I have an OB appointment on Monday and I am beside myself. I can’t wait to see/hear this baby GIRL’s heartbeat! I love talking about her (all day? yep, sure!) so getting to spend an afternoon talking ALL about her makes my day. It is perfect timing – I am traveling next week for work, so I will get to check in on her before I leave for a couple days.
We have a really fun, but busy weekend ahead! So Monday should be here before I know it.
We have also started to talk about the nursery – and let me tell you.. I have high hopes and big plans:)

That color on you is fabulous! Yeah for a new preggers summer wardrobe, too!
You of course look fabulous!!! When I was pregnant with the twins and had sinus issues, I would use Breathe Right strips. They look ridiculous, but work so well. They were a life saver since I couldn't take any real meds. I hope you're feeling better soon!
Our Little Miracles
I found your blog recently and I have to say, I can't stop reading it. I came across it when I was looking on Google for clomid information. We've been trying for a second baby for 15 months now (with one ectopic-unknown location miscarriage during that time). Your story helped me a lot and gave me some hope when I was running out. I'm so glad I've found your blog. You make a gorgeous pregnant woman!
Hi Amber,
just discovered your blog! My husband and I decided to have a baby last november and a month ago I was diagnosed PCOS… we're waiting my husband fertility test and see how to proceed.
It's a very frustrating process so seeing that someone in our same situation has achieve it, its more than good news…
Thanks for speaking up, and big hug from Barcelona (Spain)! (BTW, congratulations…!)
You're gorgeous, friend. 🙂 can't believe you're almost halfway done with the pregnancy!!
Any other bra recommendations? Maybe your fav nursing bra? I tried the VS bralette for the growing ladies but it just didn't control the nips ?.