Monday is here already?? This weekend was fun, semi-low key and somewhat accomplishing < if accomplishing is a word? It is for today at least.
All week long the weather man promised absolutely gorgeous weather starting on Friday and running through part of this week. I’m talking Spring like temperatures (high 70’s), so everyone around me, and their dog (literally), was making grand plans to be outside 99% of the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday days – including these Massey’s.
Daddy was at a the fire station on Friday, so it was a low key kinda day until after nap. I finally decided to peel myself off of the couch and away from the coffee pot (decaf, ya’ll) after I put the girls down to clean up a little to run a few after-nap errands with the little birds.
We had to few key places we had to hit up before heading home for the evening – we needed groceries, and I needed a baby shower gift for Saturday afternoon.
But first – a little park play.
I was sort of disappointed, because while it was 68 degrees out in the late Friday afternoon, the wind was billowing through the play area, making it pretty chilly. And my children were the kids with no coat.
We played for a solid 45 minutes and then headed on our way to finish errands. But not before a meltdown + full on scene courtesy of a little girl the with middle name ‘drama‘.
This was the start of a weekend full of tests, timeout, and discipline.
moving on..
Next stop was Target..
how could it be the weekend without a trip to Target? These days I usually plan my weekend grocery trip around a time that I can sneak away solo for an hour while the hubby is home, but I knew we had grand plans laid ahead for Saturday and Sunday and this was the only real opportunity I would get. Most of the time these two do really well to sitting in the cart. When I posted this picture to
instagram, I got a ton of questions about how I make them sit there..
truth be told..for as long as they let me.
99% of the time they do awesome and will sit through about 99% of my shopping, but just a few things to mention:
1.) I always let them ‘help’. They pick out products, fruit, veggies, and hold items for me while I push the cart.
2.) There are always snacks. Always. This day I had made a swing through Sonic for a happy hour drink and when I put them in the cart I made a promise of my ice if they sat together and shared.
3.) They DO try to climb out. They like to walk. They like to run. Especially right about the time we are checking out. They are done sharing space with the opposite long-legged sister and are ready to get out and move.
This was the case on Friday evening, but luckily it wasn’t very busy, so their running wasn’t as difficult to wrangle when I had 5 teenage employees helping keep up with them for me.
Back to the weekend..
We arrived home to Mickey on the TV and cereal & fruit for dinner. This is a common request out of Parker and Jolie when their daddy isn’t home. Its kind of become our thing.. and I’m fine with it:)
FaceTime sillies with daddy before bed. We do this every single night he is away.
Jolie’s serious face. Killer.
When Jordan got home on Saturday, we spent the entire morning and half of the afternoon cleaning out, arranging, and moving furniture to make space for the nursery. I also made Joran pull down the bins of Parker and Jolie’s saved clothes from the previous year/months..
there were SEVEN.
I organized, made piles, and decided whatI was going to sell v. keep for this new baby girl. I am planning to do an
instagram sale this weekend if I can get my brain together to do it.
..and we cannot forget the hairbow collection.
Bins went from 7 down to four, and I still feel like I have an overwhelming amount for baby girl number three. Good problem to have, I suppose.
Saturday evening we invited our sweet neighbors and their girls over for burgers and basketball on the patio. The kiddos ran wild through the yard, and watching them made me overtly excited for the summer months to come.
Sunday after church we opted for brunch on the patio at our favorite Mexican spot. Me and this baby could eat chips and salsa for every single meal.
There was a large group of older couples dining together in the table over.
Parker’s new thing right now is to name everyone in the vicinity of her bubble, and there happened to be a gentleman about 14 inches away from her, and she asked over and over and over
‘who’s that?’ clearly because she just wanted to include him in her circle of shout outs at the dinner table.
She would then follow up with ‘wheres his hair?’
Parker. I don’t know where it is.. he just doesnt have any.
Yes, daddy has hair.
pointing towards the bald man – Who’s that??
..and the cycle continued through chips + salsa + queso and until the very last bite of my migas + beans.
As we were walking back to the car hand in hand, there were several couples that commented about their preciousness (duh), and Jolie proceeded to explain to everyone that she was presshhhoush
Yes. Yes you are.
We arrived home to put the girls down for nap, and Jordan and I finished what we could of the nursery clean out. Truthfully it looks (to me) worse than it did before. There is so much STUFF that needs to find a place..
We headed out for Sunday dinner with friends, and in attempts to snap a sweet sister photo, I couldn’t convince Jo to get her finger out of her nose for one single minute.
Best we got.
..and now the weekend is over and Monday is here. These recap posts always make me wish life had a rewind button..
Am I the only one? Maybe?
Probably not.
Happy Monday, folks:)

Can't wait for the instagram sale! π The girls are looking adorable as always!
The. Mrs & Co.
Give me a weekend rewind button any day!
Thank you for allowing the world to hear about the not so fun times of meltdowns and timeouts! We can relate. We also had a super fun weekend and I feel you on the rewind button! π
Seriously SO excited for the IG sale π Glad you're feeling better π
I am going to make an instagram purely for this sale. Always DYING at how damn cute these babies look.
Seriously SO excited for the IG sale π Glad you're feeling better π
Can't wait for the sale, I've bought a sweater and headband from you, the sweater was new without tags just as mentioned , so I hope I can grab a few things this time around!
We wear that adorable sweater all the time lol.
The headband we wore it for 2 minutes. Oh wellllll.
So cute! Oh what fun it must be to have twins!
This week we tried two of your recipes (chicken Cesar salad and Asian BBQ chicken salad). Both were great! Planning on trying a few more things next week π