How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 14 pounds – I was informed by my OB this week that I’ve not ‘gained very much weight.. most women have gained over 20 pounds at this point.’ I am eating – but sticking mostly to the healthy stuff, which is mostly likely part of it. She sent me off with instructions to go buy ice cream as ‘it has lots of calcium!‘ She isn’t super concerned at all – if it was causing my growing girl some issues she’d be questioning my food intake a little more. My belly is making me feel enormous everywhere else, baby is growing perfectly.. and if you happened to have followed me through my last pregnancy with the twins, I only gained about 38 pounds with them. So, I feel like I’m on track. My dietitian brain left there with the decision to start keeping a food journal to track what I am eating to make sure I’m getting enough. Don’t you now I’ll be sharing that here pretty soon:)
Maternity clothes? All day. If we women all thought that yoga pants in general were comfortable, how about you try maternity yogas. My word. The leggings I’m wearing above make me wish there was a ‘touch and feel’ button my my computer so you could experience the comfort that I am (and still, currently..) I havent taken them off since they arrived in the mail this week. This entire line of ‘
beyond yoga‘ for
a pea in the pod is outrageously comfy.
Sleep: You know it.
Best moment this week: Attempting to pinpoint the best moment of my week is getting tough. The days run together:) But, I will say it was a pretty great feeling when we pulled up to the driveway of Jordan’s parent’s from being gone all week long at my nutrition conference and there they were.. my sweet girls sitting in the front yard waiting patiently. Parker all but did a backflip when she saw the car come around the corner, and when I opened my car door they both bolted to give me the biggest bear hugs. I MISSED THEM so much- and knowing you were missing, too is the best feeling in the world.
Miss Anything? Not really. I have *complained* that it is really hard to move around these days. By 7pm – the kitchen is put away and cleaned up from dinner, the girls are bathed and in their jammies, and I feel like I might pass out right then and there. I am moving REALLY slow these days, and I suppose I never got this way with the twins’ pregnancy for a couple reasons; 1.) I didn’t have toddlers running circles around me, and 2.) I was laid up in the bed at this point for most of the day on modified bed rest. It was at 26 weeks with the girls that I was placed on full bed rest. SO I wasn’t having to move, work, cook, clean, and car for a couple of babies. I can see the difference in situations, but getting short of breath after a few spins on the living room dance floor with Parker and Jolie isn’t how I expected it to be, really.
Cravings: Aside from the fact that I have attempted to visit every sandwich place within a 5 mile radius of my home and work.. its the usual desires: fruit, yogurt, blow pops (buying them in bulk), cereal, water, and anything carbonated. Passion Fruit Tea from Starbucks has struck my fancy recently, too.
Symptoms: Sleeping with the humidifier has all but ‘cured’ my former symptoms of congestion. If only I had listened to the blogs I scoured when I was pregnant with Parker and Jolie. Becoming tired really quickly, and becoming full after just small amounts of food. Something I am all too familiar with the last time I was pregnant.
Looking forward to: Things are about to slow down pretty significantly for me (work-related), and I am really excited about that. I am ready to enjoy my last trimester with my family + friends- and with summer approaching, I am WAY excited. I have never been this eager for the summer months of Texas to arrive – but with the girls being another year older and at such a fun age, its going to be good.
baby girl update
I got another sonogram this week – a follow-up from the last check on baby girl at
24 weeks when I was measuring 3 weeks ahead at
fundal height. It turns out that while I had high amniotic fluid 2 weeks ago, I had the same amount of fluid around her this week.. so my OB called me ‘stable’.
She came in with the look of relief on her face and casually said “I am so glad I could walk in here with good news to tell you.” Meaning, two weeks ago she was pretty concerned with the amount of amniotic fluid I was carrying around, but since I literally have not changed a single bit.
The risk of preterm labor and prolapsed cord are the most common for high amniotic fluid, and I don’t want either of those to happen – so I am relieved, too!
As for this belly, I am measuring about 30 1/2 weeks along at 26 weeks.
After a solid check and measurement (this sonogram sort of reminded me of the sonogram at
20 weeks), all is well and good with that growing girl! She is measuring about 7-8 days ahead, as she has been since week 20, and her heart, kidneys, brain, and structure all look great! She sat very still while Dixie (the sonographer) checked her heart vessels out, and we got to see that sweetest little profile she has. Even Dr. Walsh mentioned that she resembles greatly of her sisters.
I can’t wait to meet her.

Little Jolie and Parker are going to be the best big sisters ever!!! Such a blessed mommy of three beautiful baby girls.
You look adorable! I'm 18 weeks and rapidly going to overtake your weight gain, but I'm feeling pretty good where I'm at now.
You look so beautiful! 26 weeks yay!! I will be 26 weeks tomorrow but with my baby boy! My first baby too! So exciting!! I can't wait to see pictures of your miracle!
Andrea Snow
Your bump is just the cutest ever! Even though you feel large and in charge! 😉
Yay for a good baby update. I spent 3 hours in Labor and delivery last night because they thought I might be having preterm labor. Fortunately everything came back ok and everything is spot on for 27 weeks. Pregnancy#2 has been quite a ride lol.
You look pretty !
You've got a nice blog dear.
I'm following you via GFC, kindly follow back
Amber, you are gorgeous!!! What a beautiful momma – I love your outfit! And, your nursery even more 🙂