I’ve been so grateful to have been able to work with many fun brands – not only for clothing and accessories special for the twins, but now for dressing this bump. The versatility of maternity clothing has changed so much – and even since I first dressed my twin bump just about 3 years ago.
Special thank you to Motherhood Maternity, Nickel + Suede, and of course to
B Faith Photography for capturing my 35 week bump!
Whoa. 35 weeks, you guys.
How far along? 35 weeks + 1 days
Total weight gain: 23 pounds
Maternity clothes? maxi skirts and tank tops – the equivalent to pajamas in pregnancy lyfe, but easier to get away with while in public. But, lets be real.. I would have zero shame to wear the p’jams in public, and I may have done it more than once. Totally fine. Trust me.
These boyfriend jeans made me nervous at first thought because I didn’t want to wear anything making me look bigger than I already am.. but they are absolutely perfect and
really comfortable. The looser fit makes it easy for me to get down on the toddler level.. bend for a sippy cup or kneel to clean up remnants of lunch all over the kitchen floor. On the daily.
Sleep: Naps in the morning. Naps mid-day. Naps in the afternoon.. and when J is around and able to drive, I’ll snooze in the car for a quick bit. Oh- and sleeping in my own bed is fantastic as long as I’m on my left side.
Best moment this week: We went to visit
Stella + JD and their sweet family to bring them a meal after having their newest addition: Magnolia (called Maggie – SO cute!). While I was holding sweet Maggie girl, both Parker and Jolie were really interested in holding her also, touching her face and rubbing her head. Parker kept calling her ‘precious’ and after Maggie yawned, Jolie giggled and said
‘so cute, mama!‘ Talk about confidence in these girls – I’ve never been so proud and excited to bring home a sibling to them is just a handful of weeks!
Miss Anything? With having to sleep on my left side for most of the night- I am ready to sleep on my tummy again. Now more than ever I am appreciating how much more comfortable I am to sleep on my tummy!
Cravings: Nothing new from the normal, except I’ve been craving steak these last couple weeks – and we’ve been grilling it at least 1-2 times a week. Pimento cheese, apples, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, sandwiches, decaf iced coffee, and carbonation.
Symptoms: I’ve been having a hard time finding a comfortable way to sit/lay/sleep. I get nauseated/light headed really easily it seems like due to the reduced or limited blood flow to my brain if I am on my right side at all. I got this really early on with the twins, and I’m thankful that the weight of this belly has held out until the end. I wake at least one time a night because I am feeling sick to my stomach.. and I am almost always laying too far on my back or on my right side. Nausea goes away almost instantly once I readjust.
Looking forward to: I’ve been really stressed out about the days and process leading up to our littlest sister’s arrival. We finally have a game plan for how it will go the night before and the day of.. but up to this point, thinking about how we want to introduce her to the twins, wondering how it will go, worrying about the girls seeing me in the hospital and ‘sick’ and not in my normal state.. and not to mention that I have become really emotional about it. I’m literally brought to tears when I have to think about that day the three sisters meet. While this could easily turn into something of negative- I am so excited and trying to think about the positive. I am not the first person in the entire world to birth and have to bring a second (third) baby into the house.. so I know it won’t be a complete disaster and we will all survive:)

If you haven’t seen or don’t follow me (
@masseya) on Instagram.. you don’t want to miss the giveaway happening right now with the talented duo of (@
bfaithphotographydfw) B Faith Photography!
We are giving away a free (30 minute) mini session of your choice!
Giveaway ends Thursday, June18th and the winner will be announced on Friday:)

Great pictures!! You look beautiful as always.
You look so cute! Love that maxi skirt!
Its easy to see why your girls are so beautiful…because you are GORGEOUS!!! You look absolutely stunning in these photos. Seriously. I think you are feeling what every mother feels as another new baby comes into the home. All the nervous and anxious feelings of the unknown. I have a pic of my older girls holding my twins on the couch just days after they came home from the hospital. It's my absolute favorite. Yes, the big girls are awkward and probably not holding the twins the best, but its without a doubt, a sister love like no other. You will cherish seeing YOUR BIG beautiful girls with their new lil' sis and seeing what big helpers they will become. You have nothing to worry about. You are such a good mama!!!
WOW!!! You are simply stunning – such a gorgeous pregnant mama x