P + J | First Day of Preschool 2’s

Yesterday was Parker and Jolie’s first day of preschool and let me just tell you- it was so much fun!  We survived and not a single tear was shed.  Actually.. when their teachers opened the door to their classroom, the girls were like “see yaaaa, mama!”  They didn’t even give me a hug or kiss or even turn around to tell me goodbye.
As we walked away among the crowd of parents dropping their babes off for their first day Jordan asked me “well, what do you think??” I fought the tears.  I honestly wasn’t prepared to tear up like that or even feel compelled to cry at all – but the emotions came flooding in that instant.
When was it time for them to get so big!?  While I could have let all their big-ness completely break my heart, I decided that instead was God giving me grace.  I’ll take the happy + easy adjustment over losing their minds while I am forced to walk away and leave them for half a day.  
The preschool program is at a church we have visited multiple times, so they were completely comfortable and almost knew what to expect – sort of like walking in on Sunday morning. 
I had hyped up school and their teachers for a few days prior- and on Monday night we made their lunches, packed their backpack and laid out their clothes for the first day of school.  I figured through all that they were understanding at least some of what was happening.  It became clear that they knew exactly what was going on when at 5am I woke to Parker standing at the end of my bed in her jammies, wearing her backpack and chirping “ready to go, mama?”
No.  I’m not.  But, she was ready.
They looked so flippin precious as we loaded up the circus to head to school. 
 backpack / skip+hop
 glitter bow headband c/o shelby chic boutique // dress c/o mikoLeon
necklace c/o lil mar + co // moccs c/o freshly picked

nap mats / amazon  

I was so proud of them for having such a great day.  When I came back at 2pm to pick them up, Jolie literally wouldn’t get up out of her chair to come home with us.  I had to promise that she was returning later this week!  Heres to the perfect start to the school year:)


September 2, 2015

  1. Tiffany says:

    Awwww, yay! I am so glad they love it! That makes it so much easier! Lol

  2. Becky says:

    so glad that someone else' kids didn't do the crying jag and were happy to go to school. I always felt guilty because my boys were thrilled for the new adventure and never shed a tear. My grandkids are following that same path of independence.
    P&J looked absolutely adorable as usual. You guys are doing an awesome job raising your girls. Have a super day

  3. Leah Hazley says:

    So cute!!! Praise God for an easy transition 🙂

  4. This is the cutest thing EVER! Those girls are so sweet and they are such a blessing. You have such a beautiful family!

  5. Jessica says:

    So stinkin cute! How often are they going?! I love their backpacks!


  6. So glad they had a great day! And those backpacks are precious!

  7. Heather says:

    They are too cute! Did you get a lot of twin comments? We did. 🙂 Our first day was very similar. The girls were so excited (I was too) but I didn't expect the (short lived) tears that I shed.

  8. The girls are adorable!! Did you make their sleep sacks? I would love to get one for my daughter 😉

  9. Ashley says:

    I think their willingness to leave you is a sign of good balanced parenting. You've shown then love and taught them trust. They trust you enough to know that you will come back for them 🙂 My son was the exact same way…even trying to bribe him with Ice cream wouldn't get him to come home! It took ice cream AND swimming to get him to leave!