four month favorites

play mat // finally Baker has progressed through cognitive development enough to be able to actually enjoy her play mat instead of being in sensory overload 1.5 seconds after being laid on the mat.  She will play and swat and coo at the hanging toys and the twins love to lay on the mat with her. 
sophie la girafe // We love sophie!!  She is a darling little giraffe.. loud as all get out and borderline obnoxious- but Baker absolutely adores her. Baker loves her because she can grip her with both hands, she’s easy to chew, and her eyes light up any time we make sophie squeak.  I have actually noticed our sweet girl holding on tight to sophie when she’s fallen asleep in her car seat (which is like never) or swing. 
medi nurser // unfortunately Miss B has already had to take medicine through a syringe.  She has terrible allergies and Dr. Butler suggested an otc allergy med as needed.  When we give it to her we would stick a finger in her mouth so she automatically started sucking and taking the medicine.  ANYway- I discovered this medi nurser not too long ago and not only are they the cutest thing you have ever seen- its genius!  No more fingers in her mouth.. well for this reason, anyway:) 
nosefrida // after many failed attempts in fighting the congestion monster when the twins were small, we finally caved one night at 2am and bought the frida off Amazon.  With Baker’s allergies getting the best of all of us we have used it often this month.  Just trust me.  Get past the heebegeebees.  Buy the frida.  Thank me later.
old navy sleepers // once again these sleepers have made the favorites list.  They fit the best of any other brand we have worn- and the pattern and colors are my favorite!
cozy socks // with the cooler weather we gotta keep her head and her toes covered!  
bumbo // around 12 weeks we put Baker in the bumbo for the first time and she LOVED it!  She has really great core and head control, so it was a great way to keep her busy!  Its basically the best seat in the house!  I do leave the bumbo sitting for after its been awhile since she’s eaten because the extra pressure on her belly when she’s sitting upright.  
infantino crinkle blocks // basically everything goes into Baker’s mouth right now.  Homegirl cant help it.  These blocks were a gift from her BB and we have loved them so much!  Basically any sensory toy is among our favorites right now.  Sweet girl is so intrigued by the crinkle noise and the textured fabrics.  
just born sleep sac // l o v e these sleep sacs!  I was introduced to them before Baker was born, and having used and loved a different brand, I was surprised to fall in love with these- they are awesome!  They are thick enough to hold in warmth, but not too much to over heat thanks to the mesh vents on each side.  I love these in particular because they have a velcro wrap inside that goes around your baby’s chest and holds the sack in place while they sleep.      
june + january tights // these knit tights!  I wish they were in my size.  I want all 7 colors! J+J is now offering 20% off your purchase of all 7 colors, so of course they are reading all of our minds when we are torn between which one to choose.  They are easy to layer underneath bloomers, dresses, onesies- you name it.  And the colors are just perfection.  We wear ours o f t e n.

November 20, 2015

  1. I second the frida! Our poor girls are little faucets and it's been a life saver!

  2. Do you feel like you have to suck really hard to get any snot out when you use the nose frida? I seriously feel like I'm going to pass out! Makes me wonder if mines defective because everyone speaks so highly of it!

  3. Cassie says:

    Thank goodness for the frida.