Photo Every Hour | Sunday


December 15, 2015

  1. Dani Lewis says:

    What a neat idea for a blog post! I've seen people do a day in the life post but to see it only in photos is really neat. Question: do you find that the sleep sack that Baker sleeps in to be helpful in sleeping? We use to swaddle Brody but stopped doing it and I keep wondering about a sleep sack.

  2. Emily says:

    Best ending picture ever. 🙂

  3. amber says:

    Bake never cared for the swaddle, so we moved her into the sleep sac much sooner than I did with the twins. I like it- love it actually. Extra layer of warmth without the risk of a blanket in the crib. The Just Born brand have a Velcro wrap around to keep the sack from riding up while she sleeps, and I prefer this one over others I've used for that reason:) Hope that helps!

  4. Dani Lewis says:

    Amber- Thank you so much! I am going to look into one of those. He loves his blanket at night time but I always get fearful of him having it. But I don't want him cold. Haha.