five on friday

its been a quiet week on the blog.. and a quiet week in the Massey house.  when we aren’t blowing and going we are.. well, we are sleeping:)  this post brought to you by my second cup of coffee this afternoon and a handful of leftover donut holes while the babes are sleeping.  I swear Baker must be growing like a weed and I cannot decide if its causing her to sleep more or less.  yesterday she refused naps all together, literally, and today she’s on hour three of her afternoon nap.. and I should probably just get on with it while I can because I probably just jinxed myself..
one. haircuts
it was about time for haircuts and a little color for their mama.  Parker’s hair, bless her, just doesn’t grown well and it seems to do better and lay right when its shorter.  she’s been asking to wear it down all the time and its a fight to the death to get her to at least get it in a ponytail.  this time I went a little more bold with her trim and opted for a bob.  OMG she’s SO cute.  Jolie, of course just got the minimal taken off because her hair is basically to her rear and I can not bring myself to cut it!  
my blondie and my brunette.. looking SO BIG!

two. everything you need to know

in case you missed it.. which maybe wasn’t THAT hard seeing I have only posted one other time this week, ha..
my girl Krista of SGM gave us all a little schooling on becoming a blogger influencer and pitching those brands you have always wanted to work with.  she has helped me tremendously over the last year or so and I know she can be the same resource to you!
be sure to check out her guest blog post HERE!

three. start ’em young
 I couldnt even believe my eyes when I came upon this site in my bathroom earlier this week.  Parker and Jolie are ALWAYS always allways in my makeup.  Not necessarily making a huge mess with it, but organizing the tubes and eyeshadows all in a row and playing with the brushes. it didn’t take long for Baker to figure it out and she now wants to carry as many brushes as her tiny hands can hold and direct me with grunts and gestures to put eyeshadow and blush on her baby face.  
being a girl mom is way way wayyyy fun.
four. golden tote
 I’ve never been one to trust anyone else to style me, because well, I really enjoy doing it myself, but I completely get the reason and fun behind it all.
when I was approached by golden tote to share their brand and try out their service I thought to myself, sure.. why not! when my tote hit my door step (it really does come in a tote!) I was impressed at how well everything fit and how easy it was to wear right out of the box!  I wore the off the shoulder top to dinner with girlfriends that evening, and the dress I wore to work the next day.. I didn’t actually wear the vest with the dress, but with a white tunic and white denim jeans to church, and lastly, the tank I wore to dinner on the patio with family.  of course I didn’t take pictures of any of these occasions..and I am missing a top from the mix because I forgot, and well I haven’t actually worn it yet..thats my brain for you right now.
each tote is personally curated and includes a variety of items to complement your wardrobe
The Mini Tote:  contains two items; one you choose and another we pick for you for $59.
The Golden Tote:  contains five items; two you choose and three we will pick for $149.
The Surprise Tote:  contains three items, all of which our stylists pick for you for $89
·        basically you choose 1-2 items to go into your tote and the stylist surprises you with the rest based on your style profile, which you create on the Golden Tote site.
it was a lot of fun to try, and totally reasonable in price for five items! their new totes go live on the first monday of every month, so you will always have something different to choose from!
five. donuts.
 because its friday.  I totally skipped work out this morning and don’t feel guilty about it.  we were up  before the sun and out the door by like 8am this morning to run errands before the business of the weekend hit.
also. Baker ate every single one of her donut holes and proceeded to steal them off of her sister’s plate after her’s were gone.  
we are so weekend ready.  
Happy Friday! 

August 26, 2016


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