weekend + thank you

first of all.. I don’t even know where to start with a thank you.  we are literally over the moon with excitement about this baby and the fact that its a BOY!  its just wonderful news!  I love him so much already.  the hundreds of sweet comments and calls and texts and messages and emails- I am overwhelmed with thanks and gratitude AND so impressed by everyone that offered up a boy name.  this list is better than anything that google has offered.. even the lists on Pinterest cannot compare! 
what is cracking me up is the consideration of the blog name- I totally LOVE it! someone mentioned pb ANDY j and I about died- its so cute! I don’t know why I thought it was so silly but I did.  he may not be named something that goes perfectly along with pb+j, but either way, he’s still part of the babes.
we’ll figure it out. 
in the meantime.. I cannot forget that the reveal was just a detail in the super fun weekend I had.
Misty and her hubby arrived from PA on Thursday afternoon and she and I met and physically hugged for the first time in the 4 years we have been friends and it was just wonderful.  I couldn’t believe she was HERE! I had convinced her to make the trip for my birthday, but it was so much more than that:)
we kicked off Friday morning with a trip to Waco.  I promised to take her to visit the Magnolia Market, which was a-ok with me since I had been just once before- last year during the week of Thanksgiving just a month after it opened.  it was a little chaotic:)
this time, however, was less crowded- we arrived right after it opened that morning and we could walk freely through the shop and browse our little hearts out.  

 about lunchtime it started to get pretty busy, so we figured make our way outside to find a quick bite to eat.  they have a sweet little bakery right outside the shop and food trucks that line the entire back fence of the property.  the smells from the bakery were calling my name, so we skipped the REAL food and opted for giant cinnamon rolls + chocolate cupcakes instead.

 I DID get myself the only savory thing on the bakery menu- it was like a red lobster cheddar muffin on steroids.  it was fantastic and I ate the entire thing before divulging in this here giant cinnamon roll.
 we made sure to get a picture under #milestomagnolia – she had traveled so many miles to be there!
 we started Saturday with a coffee and a trip to drybar.  I LOVE that place and I wish money grew on trees bc I would go all the time! they don’t have anything like that where Misty lives, so I thought it would be a fun treat for us to share.. and then Saturday night came and SOME how I kept this big secret from her the entire weekend.
gah. still reliving those moments.. I cry every time I watch the video .  I think we were all not sure what to do with ourselves after the big reveal- and what you don’t see is my father in law off camera basically doing backflips and I was crying/laughing before he made his way over to me for a big fat bear hug. 
 all my best girls were there.
misty + me
 andrea + me
also having baby boy Cohen, exactly three months before this little man is due.
 ..and my other sweet friend.  
we had everyone fooled!
and of course baby Grayson was there to play with all the ladies!
such a good weekend!!  I loved every single moment.

September 21, 2016

  1. I'm the worst at secrets. I'm so impressed you could keep it for so long! We are keeping the name a secret until baby boy is here, and it is so hard lol.

  2. So happy for you! Congrats on Your pregnancy!! So jealous you were in WACO looks like a good time!
