I cant believe that time is flying! I have felt like the last month of life has been insane and busy and is just whipping right past me in a short blink. I found out so early about this pregnancy and keeping it quiet had me so anxious to share and life felt like it was dragging on and on, and here I am in my second trimester- holy moly!
I’ve been feeling great- except that I basically sleep on my face at night. I can 100% sleep anywhere I lay my head down and take naps about once a day. over the weekend I didn’t get in a nap everyday and I literally needed a day to recover- my life is busy and my kids are crazy and I’m getting old:)
and we are adding another one to the mix..
mama things
from week 7-14 I was nauseous just about every evening. I didn’t really eat dinner for those 7 weeks and was ready for bed when I was putting all my girls down by 8pm. the nausea has since past, but the food aversions have not. I’ve been having those much more than I ever had with any other pregnancies and food is completely disinteresting to me all together. even my favorite peanut butter and banana toast has lost its magical touch at breakfast (and lunch and dinner) and I am totally grossed out by every component of a banana. the idea of putting them on my toast gives me the heebee-geebees, so I have to skip them. other things.. migraines. I’ve had four since I’ve been pregnant with this little guy and I can count on one hand how many I’ve had in my entire life! the smallest things seem to trigger it, but lots of water, taking a couple tylenol when needed, and a nap usually gets me back into the swing of the day- usually in a fog, but c’est la vie.
I’m in full maternity wear- my belly is measuring almost 2 weeks larger than I actually should be.. I was at my regular OB check up at a little more than 14.5 weeks and my belly was measuring over 16 weeks. my doctor giggled a little, but after the giant belly I held with Baker, she’s not super surprised, and neither am I. ever heard of muscle memory? I feel like my uterus can relate. of course my belly is huge in the evening- and in the morning I would say its probably normal size for almost 16 weeks (I’ll be 16 weeks on Sunday), but I am not complaining. I’ve found easy ways to stay comfortable this time around- with a 14 month old + two 3 year olds I need to be able to bend to scrape pop tart or dried mac and cheese off the kitchen floor (this is why we have a dog!!) and get down to their level and move around relatively easy with my growing bump. I have these exact jeans by jessica simpson in the under the belly option and wore them out during my other pregnancies-
these jeans from motherhood maternity are the over the belly version and I love them just as much! no to mention they are butter soft and not super heavy in weight so wearing them while the weather is changing here in Texas has been awesome.

I’m still working out 3-4 mornings out of the week.
bootcamp is still okay for me to do, but at my last appointment my OB gave me a laundry list of things I had to change since generally these workouts are pretty high intensity. thankfully my trainers have been amazing and are helping me through making adjustments and giving me alternative success options while the rest of the group does their normal thing.
baby things
we’ve had a couple of sonograms of our growing boy and he’s just perfect. such a sweet little profile and CHEEKS that resemble his sisters before him so much! I feel like he looks a lot like Parker in these early sonograms- but we shall see, we have a lot of time left (??) for him to grow! I am feeling him move here and there but not consistently at all.. mostly in the evenings and definitely after I’ve had something sweet like yogurt or fruit. which by the way, I cannot seem to get enough of! we go back for our anatomy screen in a couple weeks (18 weeks) to get a full look at this guy and seeing how big he’s grown and hopefully get a better look at made how big he might be!
I have relatively smaller babies (4lbs 8oz; 5lbs 15oz; 6lbs 7oz), but this boy might put a kink in that track record.. my brothers were all on the big side (9+ pounds) and my mother, in all her 5’3 and 90 pound frame might, pushed out every single one of them- all three now 6’4 or taller.
plus, my dad is just short of a giant.
not to mention my baby daddy ain’t small either.
I’ll be honest and say that when I was pregnant with Baker I was terrified of the idea of having a boy. but this time around I didn’t even care. of course the girl option was the easy route. I knew exactly what I was doing with a fourth girl in mind.. but ever since I found out this baby is a HE I cannot get enough of thinking and praying and preparing to be a boy mom. something I honestly never thought I would get the chance to be. the most exciting news of my LIFE was when that balloon exploded in blue.
grow baby boy, grow.
also. we still don’t have a name:)
So excited you are joining in on the "boys mom club"!! Everyone told me before having my boy that there is a special bond between a mama and her boy and they were so right. Don't get me wrong I have a special bond with my daughter Ansley but she is definitely a daddy's girl! Congrats again and hopefully soon you will be able to enjoy food again!
Also wanted to ask what you use to curl your hair? Is it a curling wand or do you use a straightner?
You look so beautiful! I love that bag!
I have those jeans too. LOVE them!! they are beyond comfortable. two months postpartum and I'm still wearing them 🙂
You are so cute! I must be a few days behind you because I'll be 15 weeks on Friday, with our first babe! I was also super nauseous in the evenings, fingers crossed it has ended for good. I am so anxious to find out what we're having, we're waiting for our anatomy scan to find out. I'll have to check out those jeans, I'm on the hunt for a good pair!
^i was literally typing the same thing! You are so cute! I would love to see a blog post about your workouts! I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but still have a little pouch I want to loose. Would also love to see like a grocery haul or healthy snack ideas! I love your blog and IG!!
Congratulations! You look lovely! My youngest son's name is Duncan, which (I think) sounds great with your last name and fits with the girlies' names, too. Good luck! Naming boys is HARD.
So excited for you still! You look great, and glad you are feeling well!
Cool that you're a Stitchfix stylist! So are you still working part time? Or just at home now?
You look so cute I love it 🙂 Chelsea http://thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com/
I'm stealing your style. Absolutely love this outfit!!