this belly is growing at hyper speed!!
Jordan has been gone all week long for swift water rescue training in South Texas, so it has been extra hectic and full of stuff that only happens when Jordan is away. we had a small incident with a fire ant pile, high fevers and a couple sleepless nights, a trip to the pumpkin patch with four kids by myself, halloween parties at preschool.. and I’ve only cried once. the fetal position on the kitchen floor.
but today is FRIDAY and that means Jordan is finally h o m e!
I got to take a peek at our precious growing boy early this week! I was sad to go to this “big” appointment by myself, but they’ve changed and changed and rescheduled this training Jordan had to go to about a million times, so we left everything as is.
mama update
I’m well into my second trimester, I have definitely appreciated feeling better and not requiring a nap EVERY single day. I have been known to still request Jordan to be on daddy duty for a couple hours while I close myself up in our room for a nap, but those have thankfully become few and far in between. headaches have been unbearable.. I am not a “pill taker”, but changes in the weather + pregnancy itself has taken a toll on my sinuses and I wake up with a headache and go to bed with a headache. I try so hard to make it through the day without taking tylenol, but often times thats the only time I can find relief. with the approval of my OB, I’ve been drinking a full caffeinated cup of coffee in the morning, which has helped tremendously. I’ve been craving giant salads and lots of fresh fruit.. although bananas, which were a huge part of my cravings in other pregnancies, have completely grossed me out this time around.. but apples and berries have replaced what I once consumed in bananas. on the other side of healthy cravings.. coffee continues to run the show. its a normal day for me to find myself in the starbucks line ordering my usual venti half-caf iced skinny caramel machiatto. even if its the only time I leave my house the entire day. I also get a non-fat salted caramel mocha, but cut the mocha to about half because what once was my favorite part of that drink has become really overpowering. sweet tarts candy randomly have made their way into my house. it doesnt help that I browse the halloween candy aisle every time I’m at the store looking for something sweet and sour to get my hands on. but the funny thing is that I can literally count on one hand how many times I’ve chosen to eat this candy in my life.
this sugar craving may have attributed to a 5 pound weight gain in this last month. my belly is measuring almost 21 weeks (my OB makes me feel better by telling me “
I’m measuring over your clothes!”), and I am officially pre-registered at the hospital. I also made my appointment with the perinatologist for his brain and lung scan at 22 weeks AND have found my new
favorite pair of maternity pants. I was texting back and forth with my sweet friend Jacqueline last week and we agreed that finding a pair of
faux leather maternity leggings would be so awesome and perfect for fall. well, thank you very much
Motherhood Maternity. these are lined but don’t feel heavy or sticky or like they wont stay up. they are full panel and SO comfortable.
you’ll find me wearing these ALL the time.
oh.. and this super darling glitter clip that I stole from Baker’s stash on a whim.. get that
baby boy
seeing our baby dance around during the 18-week ultrasound and hearing the sound of his heart beating strong at 154bpm was just the best. it has been nearly a month since the last time I saw that little flicker on the screen, and since I am not feeling him as frequently as I wished I did, it cannot help but occasionally feel anxious about everything. baby boy was sleeping soundly when the sonogram began, he was so comfortable with his little hands around his face- same as our last sonogram at 14 weeks. he was almost sucking his thumb and gave us a little wave.
he is so perfect.
in no time he was up moving around and doing somersaults in his personal space. the sonographer took her time looking over our tiny one, pointing out important organs and checking out his spine. even after doing these sonograms several times before, it still blows my mind that you can see a baby’s kidneys and the four chambers of his heart and the strength of blood flow between the placenta and the cord. its all so tiny right now, but none the less, incredibly detailed!

our sweet little babe is measuring right on track and weighs in at right at 7 ounces. he’s laying sideways.. his head on my left and little feet on my right side. my OB explained that since he’s laying horizontally and not vertically that could be the reason I am not feeling him as strongly as I have the other babies. I have been feeling more movement on my right side but didn’t expect it to be HIM moving before I knew how he was laying, but this week I have been really feeling him move all the time, which never gets old.

the last time I was pregnant during the fall season, well pregnant with an actual reason to wear maternity clothing, I was put on bedrest and never got to dress my bump in my most favorite season of the year! so this year I have really embraced the season and dressing my bump fashionably with tons of layers without looking frumpy or bulky. finding trendy maternity clothing has been much easier this time around.. even when I was pregnant with the twins just 4 years ago I wasn’t able to dress comfortably in style the way I like to dress when I am not pregnant. I’m looking for classic and comfortable staple items for the fall season.. think layered looks with long cardigans and comfy fitted tees to show off my bump as well as rotating a few glamorous and chic wraps and edgy faux leather and corduroy in here and there. my style ranges from business (less often) to boho (my favorite)! one thing I will admit is that wearing more form fitting clothing during my pregnancies and showing off the bump that have made me a mother make me feel more beautiful and more confident than wearing a blouse or a dress that offers no shape. who cares if my thighs and my midsection are getting a little thick, I’m balancing that out with my growing bump and looking great doing it.. not hiding behind a giant blouse.
but thats just me:)
bottom line.. dress how you feel best.
You look so cute 🙂 We go on Monday for our 19 week appt and I can't wait to find out what we are having!! I love the leggings..
Chelsea @
Swooning over that orange cardigan,and the "roushing" (sp?) on the side of the top makes it look so flattering and adorable!Love the outfit inspo even for non maternity 🙂
Ah I love those boots. I won't lie I'm surprised by how much I love Target boots this fall. I usually go for Nordstrom but Target is just knocking it out of the park this year. I just ordered the ones you have here!
You look adorable!! Have you chosen a name yet?
So sweet! I have two boys who are so precious and adore Mommy (unfortunately for my husband). Both times I wanted to use the name Beau but my husband said we live in the Northeast and it's not geographically correct ��. Can't wait to see what you name your little man.