its hard to believe that my second trimester has come and gone in a flash! is it going by as fast for everyone else as it is for me? as I was making a short list of things that I simply “cannot live without” I went back and looked at my pregnancy favs from my pregnancy with Baker, which wasn’t too long ago, and I coincidentally several of the exact same things on my list!
thankfully I haven’t been completely consumed with discomfort aside from little random bouts of heartburn and definitely taking time to enjoy these last couple months growing baby boy!
here is my list of a few things that have made life easier over the last several weeks.
in the meantime, I always love to hear what works for fellow preggos and mamas that have experience with all this before me! share away!
I included the exact links of these products below:)
1 // tarteist contour palette
randomly, I included a similar tart palette on my second trimester favorites two years ago.. and honestly I
still have NO idea how to contour. none. okay, so after taking
Jenna’s private makeup class (which was SUCH a fun girls night out and so helpful, btw) I have somewhat of a better idea of what I’m doing, but lets just say my first couple times of trying the palette out have been a disaster. BUT I’m learning as I go!
Kate’s blog for tips are always helpful and found couple of youtube videos that seemed legit enough and worth my time to watch.. and liked
this article the best, but still I am at a loss with what exactly contouring is. what I do know is that the highlighter(s) of this palette brightens the darkness around my eye area and cheekbones, as well as hide the ‘
pregnancy mask‘ that has seem to show up once again this time in pregnancy.. its not as raging as it was before and I can promise its because I’m not out in the summer sun every day like I was with Baker.
2 // all about the comfy tee
sounding like a broken record for the third pregnancy in a row.. because h o w many times have I mentioned my love of the comfy tee- but now more than ever I am really appreciating it. the entire gap pure body line is my favorite and has continued to do its part in fitting the growing bump well throughout this entire pregnancy. I will say, I am carrying hm 100% different than I carried my girls- he’s really low and all out in front.. and my normal pre pregnancy size still fits me like a glove, and is basically the only thing that I am comfortable in right now. all of my favorite unisex tees I wore throughout my pregnancy with Baker have failed to cover the bump as I’ve gotten into my third trimester with this boy!
3 // the wireless + seamless
since becoming pregnant with the twins, and then breastfeeding them for 13 months (see also demolishing my boobs) it is rare, and I mean RARE that I go without a bra. I definitely have been wearing the Cake nursing bras I swooned over last go round with pregnancy and breastfeeding, but this time I have also just stuck to the basic t-shirt bras and pullover seamless options, too.. also from gap.
4 // full coverage
confession: I am not a huge fan of underwear. I hate thongs and the cheekie versions of said thongs.. and full on granny panties are SO annoying. so I go without. all the time. but when I’m pregnant I need underwear, so I’m forced into wearing it and I’ve found awesome comfort in full coverage bikinis.
5 // maternity support wear
I discovered
blanqi maternity late in the game with Baker, so this time around I was very interested in investing in some great support and comfortable wear for this pregnancy. and OMG, talk about support. these are the best leggings I have ever worn and I definitely wear them OUT. I have a couple of their tank tops as well and when wearing them together it gives sort of a compression support which can be so helpful with back and neck discomfort. I also have a pair of their
nursing support leggings in my hospital bag “pile” of things waiting to be stuffed in a bag before heading to the hospital for delivery.
6 // heavy cream
I have had a serious case of itchy belly from all the stretching its had to do over the last couple months. I am one of the lucky ones and don’t get stretch marks- even after housing a set of twins. honestly its one of those things that you either get or you don’t. its 100% genetic and no stretch cream or coconut oil can help in preventing it. my mama didn’t get them, so neither have I! BUT, those stretch creams and oils can totally help in keeping your belly smooth and itch-free. heavy creams with shea butter have been my BFF.
7 // tums
hello, heartburn. you have, once again, completely cramped my style these last couple months. I have been popping Tums a couple times a day and they do the trick to hold back the burn. I carry them in my purse and diaper bag these days in fear of being miserable while out and about. nothing wrong with that!
8 // a little extra boost
I totally spaced on my dietitian brain and have been taking my prenatal and my additional calcium supplement at the same time.. a SUPER common food-drug interaction as a result of this is anemia because calcium 100% blocks the absorption of iron in the blood. I have been doing this since the beginning of my pregnancy without even thinking twice about it and its finally caught up with me. I’ve been feeling lightheaded and dizzy when going from sitting to standing too quickly and after a routine blood panel workup at my 26 week check up it showed I was anemic. the moment they told me that it was like **forehead slap**. just a little nutrition biochemistry for anyone, not just if you are pregnant.. take your multivitamin and calcium supplement at least 2 hours apart from each other. so, now, I am taking an iron supplement in addition to my prenatal before I go to bed and my calcium first thing in the morning:)
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