its been about one week since we’ve made our way home from the hospital, and Brady is two weeks old today! time is absolutely flying! the transition has been relatively ‘smooth’ since introducing this new baby boy to our crew of big sisters. I use the word smooth pretty loosely because although the girls have been amazing with him and want to see him and hold him and love on him.. Baker has officially had her first and second major tantrum/meltdown since bringing him home. most of it could be related to me not being able to hold/carry her and she doesn’t understand that at all.. and the other component has to be the change.
Jordan and I are mastering the “divide and conquer” parenting style at the moment- Jordan has been AWESOME (as always) with taking on the three big girls while I manage Brady and still be as involved as I am able with the girls, too. transitioning from three to four hasn’t been much different than two to three, but I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without Jordan and his help. he went back to the fire station yesterday after being home for two whole weeks and I was not ready for him to go back!
but we survived our first night solo.
the twins + Baker adore this little man more than I can even express into words. we spend a good part of our day talking about Brady, and most of the talking is actually kissing and smothering hugging Brady. since being home, we have remained relatively low key.. recovery took a little bit longer than my other two c-sections before so it wasn’t until this last week that we finally left the house and I was feeling well enough to be able to move more than just from the bed to the couch:)
bar + ‘brady’ necklace HERE
we took Brady to church over the weekend and he rocked it through the service hanging out in the solly wrap. me and Baker spent many church services together while wearing the wrap and I forgot how much I LOVE baby wearing.

diaper changes are not his favorite (!!!) and when he is hungry he definitely lets you know it!
he’s got this amazing raspy voice/cry which is much different than my girls.
Brady is sleeping about 3-4 hours at night between feedings.. even gave us one 6 hour stretch the other night. we are all sleeping pretty well.. we’ve been co-sleeping with the
dockatot (I highly recommend!) and we are loving it!! he eats, and gets a clean diaper all in about 30-45 minutes and goes right back to sleep most of the time.
he’s still a sleepy newborn and sleeps
a lot during the day. he gives us about an hour or so of awake time in the evening, but the rest of the day its
boppy cover HERE // swaddle HERE // knit beanie HERE
we go for his 2 week well check at the pediatrician tomorrow morning and I’m eager to see how much he weighs! I weighed him this mooring with my own scale and it said he’s about 7 pounds 8 ounces.. the teeny boy regained to his birthweight! yay!
he was the biggest of all my babes but he ended up losing the most weight while we were in the hospital. Baker gained almost a pound within two weeks post-birth and its SO hard not to compare babies to babies.. Brady are working on that weight gain!
the BEST long sleeve tee HERE
other things::
his hair is still amazing.
he’s still the perfect blend of his three older sisters.
..and he still scowls even when he’s sound asleep.. which reminds me so much of Jo.
OH, Brady! we love you so!
happy 2 weeks, little bug
Oh gosh….way to give a gal baby fever!!!! This little nugget looks so much like you & Jordan it's crazy!!!! Can't wait to keep watching this lil guy grow! Are you doing another sip n see with this lil guy??
Stephanie- we are! it will be just a small one filled with close friends and family in a couple weeks:)
Congratulations!! He is absolutely adorable! I'm a long time follower and it's been so fun to watch your beautiful family grow! I found you when your twins were little. I have 4 kids of my own and 2 of them are identical twin boys. You make motherhood look so beautiful and easy. Please share your secrets! LOL!
You are such a champ! Motherhood is kicking my butt and I only have two! I don't know how Mamas of 3+ do it!
his little scowl. all the heart eyes! i die. he is so stinkin cute!