LOVES to snuggle! he is such an amazing snuggler. he snuggles up in the nape of my neck when he’s sleepy and throws his arm around me should as if he was hugging me. omg I love it.
LOVES his sisters. Like, a lot. A lot, a lot.
LOVES Mickey Mouse. the girls watch a couple Disney shows in the morning and Brady usually snuggles up with one of the twins to watch, too! he particularly likes Goofy:)
LOVES the mamaroo… which I different from the girls because they all hated it.
LOVES to swing his toys back and forth to see if they make noise. the louder the better!
LOVES to eat!!
LOVES to hold hands while we rub his head
LOVES to be carried and sleep in the solly wrap

HATES when we walk away.
HATES the carseat- but only about 30% of the time these days- we moved Brady out of the infant carseat and into a convertible carseat (the maxi-cosh pria 70) earlier this month and its been a game changer. he’s sitting comfortably and more upright allowing him to see the twins sitting in the back row. those three carry on the entire time we are in the car and its hilarious! so he doesn’t cry so much which makes trips to run errands so much easier.
I’m still exclusively breastfeeding when I am home and he gets three 6 ounce bottles of breast milk during the day when I am at work. Brady sleeps and eats and plays around the same time every day. 3 hours is normal between feedings, eating about 5-7 times every day. the usual ‘scheduled’ feedings: 6-7am every morning when he wakes and then 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm-8pm before going down for the night. MOST of the time we hit this schedule pretty well- and I like the stick to it pretty strictly during the week because I feed him before I leave in the morning for work and occasionally get home in time to feed him at the 4pm bottle. if not I nurse him before bed.
bib // seat

while I didn’t totally plan on starting him on solids yet, we did try some single grain cereal this month and have been practicing his motor skills with banana oatmeal for the last couple weeks. he’s getting about a 1/4 of a cup mixed with 3 or 4 ounces of warmed breast milk before bedtime. Brady is definitely showing a clear interest in food, watching us eat and reaching for cups, bowls, spoons, etc. so I’m excited to see how he does with the solid food. I did a modified BLW with Baker and strict purees with Parker and Jolie and I think I am going to do a healthy mix of both with Brady. not true baby led weaning but I will offer him soft foods as the time comes, but will start with purees that I plan to make homemade:). why I’m feeling so ambitious, I have no idea.
P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T
this sweet boy LOVES to play. he loves the play mat and he will lay there for a good 30 minutes at a time (with a full belly) and play with the hanging toys and chatter off at the music and lights. I have gotten good at getting the house straightened up and my breakfast and coffee made during that time in the morning. its perfect because it allows everyone to slowly wake up before the business of the day sets in. Brady’s interaction with his sisters has become more and more these days. the moment they come around Brady is all smiles, cooing and babbling in response to their silly faces. the big girls are always close by and love to play with Brady.
for the most part everything goes straight to his mouth- we have a few favorite toys, and love basically anything that makes noise! if it doesn’t make noise, Brady is slapping it on the counter or table or even on himself. he has really taken a liking to his longhorn wubby- he doesn’t suck on the pacifier (he could care less about them..) but he chews on the feet and loves to play with it, especially while we are in the car. Parker did the same thing with her monkey wubby and I eventually cut the pacifier off the thing and she carried it around like a little stuffed animal.
well, we survived the 4 month sleep regression! I feel like we are finally getting back on a good sleep routine/schedule with Brady. he still has some rough nights when I can’t seem to get him off the boob, BUT for the most part we are making strides and having some really great sleep! since adding in cereal to his evening routine, I bumped his bedtime to about 7:30pm. I feed him oats when the girls eat dinner so they are all on the same routine for bedtime. I mentioned
HERE in my
typical day in the life that if I’m solo he’s not usually down until closer to 8pm because I like to get the girls in bed first. Brady will usually sleep from 7:30pm until about 3-4am.. he starts stirring and moving around and most of the time one of us has to go in there to comfort him. if he doesn’t nurse then he’s up by 6:30am to eat and if he does eat then he’s asleep until closer to 7:30-7:45am.

last night I actually watched Brady self soothe on the monitor. I had literally just laid my head on the pillow to go to sleep and I heard him fussing over the monitor. I just laid there a second and he talked to himself in the dark for about a half a minute and then he was back to sleeping soundly.
we started practicing crib naps last month and he’s gotten so great at them!!
he usually naps twice a day for about 2 or 3 hours. depending on what the he’s up for the day, his morning nap is 9am-10am and will last about 2 hours. his afternoon nap usually falls in line with Baker’s around 1pm and that one is longer.. sometimes 3 hours. maybe he’ll be an awesome napper like Baker. I can only hope for that!
looking at pictures from last month.. oh brother! your have grown so much!! I cannot believe how big you are getting and how fast time is flying. I could probably say that this has been my favorite stage with you.. but last month was my favorite and I know that 6 months will be my baby JAM.. so lets just go ahead and state the obvious, you are pretty awesome, Big B.
we still gush over about everything you do.. the girls love to make you smile and laugh and when you talk to Baker she just gets so excited. your little boy personality is really shining through these days- especially when you have the attention of those sister girls. like.. limbs flailing around happy.. and if any of us make eye contact and say your name its never without a big ol’ grin! speaking of grins- you are smiling so much these days! and when you do, it is adorable: your eyes crinkle, your mouth opens in a huge grin, and then you immediately turn your head to the side and bury it into whatever is near. such a little flirt! those girls can really get you going with the belly laughs and the screeches and squeals.. they are just too much! I sit with a constant smile on my face watching you grow and change everyday.. especially when it comes to the love that explodes between you and your sisters. life doesn’t get much better than this.
time is blowing by I am doing my very best to savor these fleeting moments with you. I love spending time together.. even if its in the middle of the night because I don’t get those moments back, buddy.
speaking of that nickname.. yours seems to be sticking, Bud. and I love it. you answer to “Brady” but also when someone acknowledges you as “Bud” you respond to that, too!
your eyes and smile are contagious and you can basically hear the joy coming off your face. you are so silly and literally have us in giggles most of the day. if there is a toy, book, food within arms reach you will stop at nothing to get it.. rolling your way around to it until you’ve got it in your mouth.
so often we hear how you are ‘Baker’s twin’ but really over this last month you have completely come into your own self- you are Brady. JUST Brady.
your sweet gentle little voice.
baby bird hairs.
chuuuuby cheekies.
monster thighs
and those pretty doe eyes.
definitely one of a kind. there is absolutely no one like you, baby boy.
5 M O N T H P H O T O D U M P
so many pictures!!
striped sleeper // flower jams
hat // swim suit
jammies // stroller
hat // tee // shorts // dress
wrap carrier
scarf bib // romper
crib sheet // romper
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