I went back and forth about breaking our staycation recap up into a couple posts..but after loading about 100+ pictures to my computer this morning I decided to spare you the never-ending scroll and share our time by day instead 🙂 looking back through all of these photos it just reminded me how much fun we had at the Gaylord Texan this weekend. we live just about a half hour from the resort and had been trying to figure out something fun to do with the kids before school starts- my mom really wanted to do a “family trip” and since she works for Marriott Hotels she is able to get us some pretty great deals on room and stay! we decided a few months ago that a weekend at the Gaylord would be a great option for everyone and my mom and brother, Sam, would come from Austin to meet the rest of us here in Dallas. my dad had great intentions of coming along, but he’s been having really terrible hip troubles and its painful for him to sit in a car or plane for a prolonged time. he’s undergone a few surgeries since the beginning of the year, but nothing has fully relieved his pain. so even short distance travel is just not a good option for him right now. we missed him!
we arrived on Friday after lunchtime and after getting settled in our room we hit the trolly to head over to the waterpark! as we were getting off the bus the kind driver asked if we wanted our picture taken- absolutely!! the sun was a little bright but we will take what we can get! Â Â it took no time for us to find a shady group of chairs and get comfortable! we lathered up in sunscreen and went off to explore the place!
snacks by the pool!! dont mind if we do 🙂Â
we pretty much hung out in the main splash area for the kids- it was a giant jungle gym with a few slides that were the perfect size for the girls to enjoy going down by themselves. lots of fun water activities and reasons to get wet..Â
..including the huge dump bucket. Parker thought it was hilarious and SO FUN to get dumped on.
my bathing suit top is from Kortni Jeane– but its last summer’s print 🙂 bottoms are my favorite bikini bottoms ever from j.crew. you can find my hat from gigipip HERE!
around dinner time we decided to head back to the room to get cleaned up, my mom and brothers would be meeting us soon! the girls were WIPED out from playing and swimming non-stop through the entire afternoon.
the girls’ adorable cover-ups are c/o NICKIS.com  and their trucker hats are c/o GROM SQUAD! use code AMBER20 for a discount!Â
we had dinner at the Cantina, which is the main restaurant at the resort and is mainly Tex-Mex served buffet style for lunch and dinner. this looks like the messiest plate EVER but thats usually how any buffet goes for me 🙂 just pile it ALL on top! pulled chicken over a huge bed of greens and the most delicious grilled vegetables I’ve ever eaten.Â
the “theme” of summerfest at the resort was the smurfs so we caught these guys walking around here and there all weekend and the evenings always ended with a smurf dance party + face painting and balloon animals. the girls thought it was SO fun!
AND the highlight of the entire day.. my brother’s and mama arrived! the perfect end to our first day of (stay) vacay.
stay tuned for day number II tomorrow!!
August 7, 2018
Those swings right over the water are genius!! Every water park should have those. Looks like a fun day – can’t wait to read about the rest!