7 Years Ago

Happy Anniversary to my sweet Jordan.  We have been through a crazy 7 years, but I wouldn’t trade anything for what we have today.  You are my very best friend in the whole world and want nothing more than to spend time with you.  I can’t wait for what God has in store for our 7th year of marriage- we have twin baby girls on the way.. moving into a new home to raise them in, and simply waiting to fill God’s plan for us. 

From the past 4 years of anniversaries- because apparently pictures didn’t exist pre-blog circa 2008:) I will say that in 2006 we celebrated our one year anniversary with a cruise!  I wish I had pictures to share with that, but all my pictures are in a scrapbook for safe keeping.  When I went to print them, I couldn’t imagine needing a CD of pictures.. what in the world would I need that for? (says the 21 year old Amber without the proper knowledge of how to use the internet just yet..) 

I found this picture while packing the guest room up this week.

Prom 2003– our first year together, and probably still my favorite picture to date. 
(Aside from the fact that I had no eyebrows.  Someone needed to put me in my place about that..)

I love you more than anything, Lou.

 Happy 7 years, lovie.

August 13, 2012

  1. Maureen W. (Maryland) says:

    Happy Anniversary! You are high school sweethearts??? Awww, what a love story! I am smiling from ear to ear; it makes me so happy knowing the world is a better place because two people are together. Even happier that you will be making it an even better place with your two little girls … XOXO

  2. The Dunaways says:

    I was at THAT prom!!!! love you two!