High Five for Friday 8/10/12

Friday.  It is going to be a good, good day. 

I feel like I repeat myself every week- but really I can’t complain.


If I may complain just a smidge about the fact that I don’t sleep through the night anymore.. and my afternoons, post 8-hour work day, consists of packing, at home, alone while J is at the new house.. 

I’ve missed him this week.  BUT..

Today Jordan and I are out and about furniture shopping for the new house (yaay!) and then this evening we will celebrate with Jordan’s cousin Josh and his precious wife, Jennifer as they reveal the gender of baby number 2 (due January).  Can’t wait to see her and that sweet belly! 

So, after a lonely week, spending time with my sweet today will more than make up for it.

Onto my High Five- aside from the small complaints mentioned above- it has been a fabulous week for me. 

1.) Babies!  We got to see our sweet baby girls this week at our 20 week appointment.  I LOVE getting a chance to take a peek at them- even if I did feel as if I was going to hurl the entire time.  It was worth it to see these wiggle worm babies. 

2.) I heart MAC.  Jordan and I headed for a lunch date post-doctor appointment and made a quick stop into MAC so I could pick up a couple items that needed refilling in my makeup collection.  I call it a collection- but what I really should confess is that I hoard make-up.  If I had millions of dollars I would spend it all on cosmetics and anything related to that field (hair products included.. I hoard that, too).  I was out of my absolute favorite MAC eye shadow: expensive pink.  I’ve been going crazy without it!  I also picked up a new Shimmer Blush in Style.  More of a coral pink rather than a pink pink (I usually stick with Springsheen).  I heart MAC.  Plain and simple.

3.) Roasted Tomato, Spinach, and Chicken Pesto Panini.  This week my planned dinner meals have been quite simple, for the most part.  Jordan has been getting home pretty late after working at the new house almost everyday, but I still like to have dinner on the table when he gets home.  Since becoming pregnant I have been stuggling with the simple ‘excitement’ of food.  Food sounds good, I make it, and by the time we sit down for the meal I have completely lost interest.  It is not fun- especially when I love food.  Half the time I have even stopped taking pictures of my completed meals for CB.. which is a complete shock to my hubby.  (Hence the limited recipe posts each week- boo.)  Earlier this week I planned to make chicken paninis for dinner- and I was excited for this meal from start to finish- enjoying every bite:)  It was so yummy.  I think paninis should be in our regular rotations from now on.  My belly is crazy pleased post-panini sammy.   

4.) Grocery Savings. Last week’s High Five gave note to my customer appreciation Kroger coupons that I frequently recieve in the mail.  Well- this week’s grocery bill was about $40 less than usual thanks to my coupons.  I’m not a coupon clipper by any means- but, I do look through the grocery adds released every Wednesday for sales, but for the most part I buy what I need, on sale or not.. but I do shop at a couple different stores and know what a deal is when I see it.  Between my personal list for groceries, and my client lists of food,  I can officially call myself a professional grocery shopper.  Every little bit helps, and so my savings this past week was definitely worth a high five!

5.) Beth Moore Bible Study.  Approximately 3 weeks from today will mark my last day of work before going homebound for the remainder of my pregnancy (how in the world am I already approaching my last trimester??).  My superb OB/Gyn, Dr. Katrina Walsh, plays it proactively- requiring that her patients carrying multiples go on modified bed rest for the last trimester.  I have been wanting to do a self-led Bible study for some time now, and finally with my future mornings consisting of PJs and (decaf) coffee on our back porch I will have some serious time to spend and really dive into one.  I ordered Beth Moore’s 12-week study of Daniel and am more than excited to start!  I have done several of her studies before and love every minute of them- seeing serious growth in my personal walk with Christ.  Her studies come along with (optional) audio or video downloads to go along with the book.  Those are a great addition, too:)

There you have it.  A full week of baby girls, painting, packing, and panini sandwiches (well, one delicious sammy at least..)  Here’s to another great week- and a countdown to ‘bedrest’.  Can you tell I’m looking forward to being at home? Well, I am:)

As always- linking up this High Five for Friday with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk. 

August 10, 2012

  1. The Dunaways says:

    I need to try expensive pink!! You know I love me some MAC! Have a great weekend – miss you bestest!

  2. Tami says:

    I love MAC as well! Are you going to do the Daniel study on your own? I've been looking for a study to do but I wasn't sure if you can do the Beth Moore studies independently.