High Five for Friday 8/3/12

Dearrrrr Friday,
Hey there, how’s it goin’, where ya been? I’ve been waiting for you alllllll week long!  This week was yet another that simply flew by me without effort.  It has been crazy busy at work, I feel like I’m swimming in meal plans, portion control, and heart healthy diet education. But- in between all the craziness of my day, I have found joy in my High Five for this first (half) week of August.

1.) TOMS.  Best shoes ever.  Jordan has owned a pair for, ohhh, 4 years now- he got them as a gift from his cousin, Aldon.  He has worn them here and there, and I have looked on in envy every time.  Now that my back has started to balk everytime I come home from a day in heels, I was ever greatful for my sweet man’s idea to pick up a pair of comfy TOMS for regular wear.  I have loved wearing them this week, and look forward to retiring my heels as my belly gets bigger. 

2.) Heath Bar Coffee Creamer. Jordan and I routinely do a coffee creamer stock (we are self-admitting coffee snobs- Jordan is worse than I am- true story.) and we saw this Heath Bar Coffee Creamer.  I thought- for sure this has to be good.  Our favorite creamer is was Toasted Almond by Coffee*Mate, but was apparently just seasonal that stopped being seasonal when they stopped selling it all together a couple years ago.  We found another we came to love: English Almond Toffee by International Delight- but again we came into bad luck with they stopped shelving this one, too.   SOOO, yet another one Jordan has come to love in particular: Bailey’s Toffee Almond Cream.  (Really how much can you say about coffee creamer?  Yea, I know.) I haven’t tried this one, actually- but every couple weeks Jordan makes a special trip to Walmart for this and only this.  We can’t find the Toffee Almond anywhere else- just Walmart. Next to his favorite creamer was this Heath Bar version, and I was set on trying it- seeing that we like the toffee flavor of our creamer.. and seriously– love at first sip.  I LOVE it.  Have enjoyed it every morning this week. 

3.) Target Jeans.  Early in my pregnancy I had seen a pair of white maternity jeans I was dying to get, and patiently waited until I was big enough to wear them.  I intentionally made a trip to Target to purchase these, as well as a maxi skirt I had been coveting online.. and isn’t it always how it works- I have money to shop and can’t find a thing to buy. I did get my maxi skirt (SO cute and crazy comfortable), and a couple tank tops- but those precious jeans were gone.  Target had several loaded down clearance racks, and of course the maternity clothes were mixed in with the regular clothes- making it so easy on me to sift through.  JeansI found the jeans.. in.. size.. 14..and this one- 16.. oh, another- size ten.  Well, boo.  I gave up and walked around a bit longer, tried on a few more things and decided I was done.  As I was leaving I browsed through the rack one last time- bingo.  White jeans.  In my size (well, almost.. still a tad too big, but close enough.)  On clearance. $10 (original price of $35).  TEN dollars.  SUH- weeet! 

4.) Coupons!  Kroger sends me coupons just about every month- and not just any coupons, coupons that match exactly to what I buy on a regular basis.  How awesome is that?  I shop weekly at the same Kroger, same college student checks me out, and the same sweet old man bags my groceries, always sharing a ‘feel good story’ as he is re-filling my cart.  I use my Kroger card, get gas points (I save about $1/gallon every time I fill up) and the card tracks my regular purchases.  In turn I get customer appreciate coupons- even getting % off my entire bill some months.  I got these in the mail this week- and always look forward to it.

5.)  Ben & Jerry’s Greek Frozen Yogurt.  Whoooa Geeez. I have finally jumped on the bandwagon and paid $3 (on sale with my Kroger card) for this carton of pure deliciousness.  I’m not a huge ice cream eater- but my husband is for sure.  He always harasses me to get something so that he feels better while eating his post-dinner treat.  Often times I opt for popcorn or something along those lines- but after seeing not just one, but three people post on Instagram their love for the Greek frozen stuff, I decided to give it a try.  I’m so sad I only got one.  I think I’ll be making this a regular purchase– and maybe Kroger will send me a coupon. 

I’ve been looking forward to this weekend, for sure.  Tonight we are spending the evening with our Supper Club friends- it is EXTRA special this month because Diana and Chris are revealing the gender of her sweet baby!  I cannot wait to find out!  They have been holding out since Wednesday, and I am SO ready to know! 

We also are starting some paint and texture on our new house before moving in at the end of the month. By ‘we’ I mean Jordan.  I am less that helpful for the most part- and now I actually have a good reason! I am so ready to move and be in our new home- but making it pretty will be worth the wait.  For me.. I am left to the packing- because I can do that.  Dreaded

Another great week for me and my sweet:)  This upcoming week will be another crazy hectic week for us- between paint, packing, and life in general.  Hope you all have a perfect weekend! 

As always- linking up with Lauren @ FMGD!

August 3, 2012

  1. Jane says:

    Love TOMS! They are so comfy!

  2. Katie says:

    number 2 and 5- yum!! and I feel the same way when I shop – when i have money to spend there is nothing I like and when I shouldn't spend money I want so many things!

  3. The Dunaways says:

    Looks like a great week! Can't wait to see you AND the belly tonight! Loves!

  4. You better remember to call us for moving help!! We are your closest Supper Club peeps now 🙂 I bet the rest are jealous 🙂

    Can't wait to see you 4 tonight!