WIWW: l o v e Sweater Weather

Well.  I thought sweater weather was for sure here to stay.  A persnickety Mother Nature had better plans of her own and slung temps up to the 80s over the weekend.
Good news is that more sweater weather is in the forecast- and I have a mean Crock Pot Taco Soup planned for this weekend- definitely welcoming the predicted 46 degrees.
Don’t let me down, weather man.  
I have a super obsession with a good chunky sweater.  Any kind, really- as long as its huge and bulky and keeps me warm. 
Boyfriend cardigans are my favorite and I think this one is a distant cousin.  I originally abbreviated boyfriend sweater with BS.. and then I thought I should keep it PG.     

I’ll never forget the day I got this sweater.. I was 8 months pregnant and restricted to the bed.  But lets be honest- If I was allowed to move, I wouldn’t have.  It was a breath-taking ordeal to simply roll over.


My sweet Mother-in-Law brought this sweater over as a hand-me-down from my sister-in-law in hopes that I would be interested in it before it went to the donation pile.  Well- ya!  I immediately put it on..and to my disappointment it wasn’t quiet big enough.  Duh.

Why did I do that to myself?

Stay right there, Jolie.  Don’t move.. no, Jolie!
sweater / hand-me-down // necklace // trade show // undershirt / gap // skinny jeans / loft

Totally random story- but thats the one behind this sweater:) There isn’t a tag, so I haven’t a clue where it came from.  The pants are my ‘go-to’  super skinny jean from LOFT this season.  LOVE them, and I don’t ever wear black!  The undershirt- 11 months postpartum and I confess to still be wearing my maternity tops.  These are so good (and stretchy) for nursing!  Because they are maternity they retain their shape and don’t get stretched out when its time to feed the girls.

Oh..and in case you forgot about those boots- they’re back {almost everyday}

Linking up with these lovelies!
Sarah @ Tucker Up
Shanna @ Because Shanna Said So
Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On


November 20, 2013

  1. Tracy Miller says:

    That is a great sweater! And your hair – I have total hair envy!!!


    Its Mostly About Fashion

  2. Soooo cuuuute! Love me a good sweater and some cute boots any day! I am on this oversized sweater kick right now…makes me feel soooo comfy in the cold weather 🙂

  3. Sarah Tucker says:

    Cute, cute, cute! Now if only the weather would stay cool…

  4. Amy Bennett says:

    SO cute! I always feel frumpy when I wear sweaters like that but you make it look good!

  5. Natalie says:

    so bummed you don't know where the sweaters from…totally gonna look for one similar…i LOVE your outfit!

  6. Katie says:

    so cute!! you are gorgeous and I LOVE your hair! please come do mine 🙂