This is Parker and Jolie. 
You know them, right?  They are my children.
And they L.O.V.E. peanut butter. 
Like.  loveeeeee it
We eat it everyday. And it is surely no surprise at all that these little PB-obsessed birds love it, too. 
I ate it every.single.day. while they were in my belly.
Peanut butter crack as a former co-worker used to call it..

Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Sandwich

there were peaches, too.. but peanut butter reigned over all at this meal.
Peanut butter is one of those ‘scary’ foods for young babies. We waited until 1 year to offer it to them for the first time.  Made sure to be in a safe and controlled environment when we did it, too {we were at the fire station with a house full of medics sitting at the table with us}

The rest is history.

We eat a PBJ a couple times a week.  I’ve fallen in love with Uncrustables. 
The Uncrustables travel easy in the diaper bag (they are kept frozen) while we are out and about- and thaw out just in time for lunch.
I know they will for sure eat it and I’m thankful for that.  Last thing I need is two cranky and hungry babies when we are out trying to accomplish a to-do list a mile long.  They do so much better when they have full bellies. 
How do you think I make it through the grocery store?  Snacks.  Lots and lots of snacks.
Uncrustables.. its peanut butter and its jelly.  On white bread.  So, yes.  We love them.

..and again with stuffing the food in the straws of their sippy cups.  Any one else’s kiddo do this?
I’m thinking that our next little girl will have a name starting with a “B”‘.  That way our little PB&J love will be complete.  What do you think?
Good.  Me too.
{Jordan might be keeling over in his chair right about now with the thought of a FOUR girls in his house…} 


February 13, 2014

  1. Kristina says:

    You're making this preggo crave PBJS…and yes I could just go make myself a sandwich but no, you HAD to say Uncrustables. Those things are addictive. Mouth is watering. Anyways, they are so ah-dorable and I would love it if you did a 'B' name for your next girl…which should happen soon, right?? 😉

  2. My favorite thing to eat right now is spoonfuls of peanut butter! SO yummy!

  3. Oh thank heaven I am not the only one with a straw food stuffer! Haha! Noah loves to put his chubby little fingers in his sippy straw, and then flick his water/milk/juice at me. Me, not so much. Haha! Your girls are too adorable!!!

  4. TWilson3 says:

    What does P&J's current feeding schedule look like? Are they off the bottle completely and if so, how did you do it and how did it go? My twins just turned 1 so I'm trying to figure out the best way to wean them off the bottle. Thank you! Love your blog!

  5. TWilson3 says:

    What does P&J's current feeding schedule look like? Are they completely off the bottle and if so, how did you do it and how did it go? My twins just turned 1 so I am trying to figure out the best way to wean them off the bottle. Thank youI Your blog is great!