If I let my children own the pen that writes the meal plans they would choose oats for every single meal. We eat oats often. Peanut butter oats are a favorite. Sometimes we put granola in it. Most of the time we add a little sliced banana. Other times its brown sugar and cinnamon.
I continue to try to be creative as the week’s go by for a variety of options to mix in to this whole grain.
Today I give you..
Berry Good Oats
(serves one)
1/4 cup whole oats
2/3 cup (organic) whole milk
1 tablespoon strawberry fruit preserves
1 sliced strawberry
3-5 sliced blackberries
2 teaspoons chia seeds
You might be questioning the chia..but the girls hardly notice them, and it gives these berry oats a little nutritional boost. Chia seeds are higher in antioxidants than blueberries and have more calcium than whole milk. They are very high in Omega-3s, magnesium, fiber, iron, potassium, and protein. I bought 2 pounds of chia seeds at Sam’s for like $7 bucks. Bulk isn’t always the way to go, but it is for sure in this case.
Jordan uses chia in his smoothies and oatmeal, so we have a family of chia users up in here.
..can we talk about these bowls? Nûby™does it again with their
Sure Grip™ Bowl. I actually think this is really intended for spoon feeding younger babies, but the polypropylene bowl is practically non-breakable (when thrown from the alpha heights of a high chair..) and the rubber bottom helps keep the bowl put when Parker and Jolie are attempting to spoon out their food, rather than chasing it around their entire tray.

The contour shape helps to keep the oats on their spoon rather than in their lap and eventually onto my floor.
Ginny has learned very quickly where to lay for the best chance of catching a taste.
Parker never fails to provide the very best foodie faces.
I have no doubt that in twenty years she will question my photo opportunities.

The same way it pains me to view the hundreds of baby pictures of me with a mullet.
Adorable, yo.
Jolie Grace.
WHY does she put the spoon in her hair at every meal? If we aren’t wearing a big fat hair bow, we are wearing our food.
I find oatmeal for hours after breakfast is over.
Owell- at least they are loving what they are eating. Saving a little up on top that mop won’t hurt anybody.
These oats are good! Berry Berry good indeed.

We love your weekly menu planning, because of your littles my little man is finally eating oatmeal! I showed him pictures of your girls eating it and he got excited so he tried it and fell in love! His fave is your peanut butter oats.
Love your blog!
Morrissey Made
Do you have a recipe for your peanut butter oats? It sounds delicious. But I have never before even thought to add peanut butter to oats…