When I decided (last minute) to do the
#30daysofthanks via social media, I didnt realize how stressful it might be. Stressful in a good way.. not like pull my hair out kind. It was sort of like the time I tried three times to document a ‘day in the life’ post and finally I got it. (
I think I only officially missed two days. I think. But I loved every moment captured this month. Each moment reminded me (even the little things) how thankful I am for this life I have.
We kicked off November 1st with Saturday filled with College Football and good friends. It was a cool crisp day- such an awesome way to kick off the first of the month.
Keeping Parker and Jolie’s wardrobe versatile enough to reuse most of what we already have. Sweater dresses from last season are easily reworn as tunics for a day at the park.
Birthday dinner to celebrate our sweet Papa.. my girls are perfectly complimentary of one another – and this picture shows it.
when its cold and rainy out – movie marathons win the day away.
Sister girls (and their mother) were still eating Halloween candy for dinner a week after the fact. Sometimes thats just fine.
Family dinners the easy way- stuffed potatoes every night for almost a week (
Family fun run in Dallas on a chilly Saturday morning
Christmas Jammies!! This time of year is so festive and makes having a family really fun.
afternoons on the back porch watching the clouds have become a regular occurrence.
Sweet silly time during dinner prep. These two LOVE to be apart of whatever I am making and sit on the counter to ‘help’ almost every night.
the first fire of the season!
when daddy is away we celebrate small successes of a rough day – halloween candy on clearance!
Brittany came over to take Parker and Jolie’s 2-year photos. This morning was A LOT of fun. We practiced and succeeded with blowing out the candles on their stacked birthday pancake. I can’t believe we are just less than a week away!
My sweet silly girls first thing in the morning. starting my day this ways doesn’t get much better.
another back patio activity. Snacks and puzzles
spending the entire day in our jammies? Oh I am so thankful for those days of snuggles.
watching my baby girls’ excitement over the zoo animals- Making memories I will never forget.
finding toddler activities that are minimal mess and that these two find interest in is always something to be thankful for.
the weekend Daddy worked a 48 hour shift and went to visit. Even though we’ve been to the station before- this time was OVER the TOP fun for Parker and Jolie.
Full recap of our station visit
The first attempt and fail to see Santa. They wouldn’t even get close enough to him for all of us to sit on his lap.
Helping Daddy as ‘markers’ the day he decided to plant NINE trees in our backyard.
Boys aren’t the only ones that can be this kinda helper to their daddy:)
The calm before the crazy of the Thanksgiving weekend. The house was a mess and we spent the day on the couch watching movies.
A little recap of our Thanksgiving festivities. Thanksgiving Day Jordan and I loaded the girls up (with 30,000 other trotters) and participated in our first ever Turkey Trot. Not as insane as I had anticipated and we have plans to do it again next year!
It was really chilly that morning (like, really cold!) so we had the girls bundles up with hats and socks and blankets.
It was early, but they were such good sports- and didnt leave a baby doll behind.
Once we got home and ALL got a nap, it was a lazy afternoon of (miserable) Cowboys football. I cooked a teeny turkey breast and Jordan’s parents came over to eat. Very easy going day as I prepped for the next day – our Turkey Dinner with lots of family and friends.
I LOVE this picture. So much has changed in just one year.
Sister in Law (Jenna) and Brither in Law (Adam) were there with their sweet ones : Kendall and Truett
The first family pictures we have gotten.. since, well, a year ago!
Most of everyone on the Fort side (Jordan’s mom’s side) of the family was there.
It was such a great day – I was whooped by the end.
Saturday – we. did. nothing. I could have slept for the day’s entirety if these girls would have let me. I was turkey’ed out, so we had frozen pizza for dinner.
Leftovers are still sitting in the fridge.
This picture didn’t make it up on Instagram, BUT, we are always thankful for sweet fiends and Auntie’s that bring up back presents from her travels around the world- slippers from Hollad? We love em.
I really enjoyed doing this 30 day ‘project’ if you will.. It helped to keep me reminded of what I am actually thankful for rather than just skipping all the way through this month without giving it a thought and focusing in one Christmas the next month away.
I think this can be the start of an annual thing.
Happy D E C E M B E R first!!

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