This month is notoriously busy and I feel like there is always something to be done or a social event to be had. I, for one, am a social butterfly at heart, so the busier we are with all that kind of stuff, the happier my heart with be.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll surely say it again – this is my favorite time of year. And like I mentioned when I did the fall lookbook back in September for these Little Ladies – its the clothes that win me over for best time of the year award. Especially NOW that I have two other chicks to dress aside from myself – it gets really fun. I am one of those that plans outfits far in advance.. we get a party invite and I’m already starting to plan plan plan what I/we are going to wear. I’ve been like that since I was young.. and while I can’t believe I am confessing this – I never wore the same thing twice in one month when I was in high school. I kept a journal/calendar/obsessive compulsive document that helped me keep track.
StAHP it right now. I know.
And while I DO NOT (do not) keep any kind of record of what Parker and Jolie wear – because, c’mon.. although, Jordan wouldn’t put it past me, I do keep in mind and ‘save’ outfits for special occasions. December marks many special occasions, and since there will be pictures (about a billion, you know) I want to make sure each occasion is wore by something different.
Hey Santa
(top / skirt / boots)
JCrew – use code GIVETHIS for 30% off
free shipping on crew cuts and baby crew orders
Probably my favorite look of the entire bunch. Something about the casual glam of a sweatshirt paired with tulle. Santa would be so inspired by our look (of course), and the deep red would coordinate well for pictures with the man in the big red suit. We have yet to successfully sit on his lap, but third times a charm? Probably not.
Sunday’s Best
Shift dresses on toddlers = swoon for days. Something a little less Christmas-y, but still perfect for Christmas Service at church. The sweater cardigan helps for the chill in the air, but can also easily be removed in the stuffy house of the Lord with hundreds more added to each service for the special occasion.
Here for the Party
(dress / tights / shoes)
Gap – use code SHOP for 30% off
free shipping on $50 purchase
Does every toddler need a $60 holiday dress? No. Does every toddler look absolutely precious in a $60 holiday dress? YES. We don’t actually have a party this season that warrants this fanciful attire – I’m thinking New Year’s Eve.. but lets be honest, we would probably get a sitter IF by chance we stepped foot our of our flannel sweats and off the couch. Having a formal party or event this would be perfect. The tights jazz up the dress for a festive look, and matching ballet flats to coordinate. Throw a halo band or lacey bow on top of that baby head and you are good to go.
Hashtag Snowday
(top / leggings / booties)
Gap – use code SHOP for 30% off
free shipping on $50 purchase
Cookie decorating, gingerbread house making, toddler play-dates, tree-liting, house-looking & hot chocolate.. if you are like our little group of friends, we always do something fun for the month of December. Since kiddos have come onto the scene we attempt to coordinate a time for just the adults and then also something to all do as families. This would be the outfit I would choose. I did notice this sweatshirt was sold out online in the smaller toddler sizes, but personally, I dress Parker and Jolie like I would dress myself.. over-sized sweater and tights? Of course. Sizing up gives the look I’m going for. These leggings are among my very favorite right now. A classic print, and the fabric is VERY sturdy and VERY soft. I have a couple other pairs of her leggings, and never fails with high quality.
Christmas Eve (dress / tights / shoes)
Old Navy – use code ONSAVENOW for 30% off (online only)
free shipping on $50 purchase
Ever year on Christmas Eve, Jordan’s immediate family (parents, sister, brother-in-law, and kiddos) come together for dinner out at a favorite restaurant and window shopping at one of the major malls here in Dallas. After we usually head back to BB’s house, watch a recorded Lifetime Christmas movie (she recorded ALL of them) and eat ice cream and pie (or some kind of dessert) before bed. Since babes have come along, it had made for some change, but nothing we all cannot handle. Last year we went to a completely different restaurant, and a completely different area to ‘shop’ – but the tradition is still there. It excites me to continue this tradition with my little family. Traditions have been one of my most favorite things about becoming a mom. I didn’t have hardly any at all growing up, and I love that Jordan and I have the patriarchal power to start them in a family of our own. Over the last two years (because their first one they were 4 pounds of sweetness and we were SO tired, and didn’t go ANYwhere) I have enjoyed finding something festive for Parker and Jolie to wear on this special evening with family – but also to be comfortable for walking around, being held on my hip, and sitting in a booster chair at dinner. Of course this dress caught my eye because of the print, but it is so gorgeous and perfect in color for the Christmas Eve we plan to have.
What about you?! I want to hear your Christmas traditions! Talking about all these things we plan to have (and the outfits we will wear) makes me SO excited for the next weeks to come!
Me and the girls have been baking cookies this week and I can’t wait to share their creations – and a special giveaway from one of my favorite bow-shops!
See you tomorrow!

The girls will look adorable in all of those outfits!
I snatched up the Christmas eve outfit immediately after reading this! Your girls are darling!
Oh I am absolutely IN LOVE with the #Snowday shirt. I wish they made it in a darker blue for my son… or adult size for me!