I cannot believe we are nearly in the single digit days away from Christmas. Is it just me, or did this season fly? It seems like literally yesterday I was harassing Jordan to pull down the Christmas decor from the attic space and he was ‘kindly declining‘ because it was the first week of November. Last year we kept it very simple for Parker and Jolie on the wishlist front. They had just turned 1 year and still hadn’t grasped the idea yet.. and with a birthday just a couple weeks before that, it made it hard to want to buy anything else for them. This year is different. They seem to understand the present thing. Understanding a little more about what this season seems to bring. And having a lot of fun talking all about it! With all that being said – I decided to beef up their holiday wish list this year, and it has been SO much fun!! I am beside myself to give them all these fun things I know they will love, love, love!
l i t t l e l a d i e s
1 // Hair Bows and Wraps
You knew this was on the list. While we get a hair bow in the mail about 3 times a week, these are always awesome for stocking stuffers. I get questioned all the time about how I get my girls to keep the bands on, and really I have no secret. They love them – I mean really. I have to make sure their closest door is closed or else the basket(s) of (unorganized) bows would be dumped everywhere just so they could find the one they want. Really!
Ruby Blue,
Shelby Chic, and
Jameson Monroe will all be there on Christmas Morning this year.
We have really been into imaginary play. I mean, really into it. Little People have always been a favorite of mine, and so I’ve been waiting for the girls to be old enough and have interest enough to get some for them. This little house is the perfect size for them, and the perfect play place for their favorite toys + Little People.
Always carrying around their daddy’s big, heavy flashlights, I thought it was time for a couple of their very own. They really love to be included and ‘help’ when needed, so having something like this is their size will be so fun for them!
We got a plethora of Mega Bloks for their birthday – and they are LOVING them! But.. the only problem (or two) I’m running into is that they have no place to ‘put’ them, and nothing to build them on. Do you know what that means? It means that mom is sitting and holding those blocks steady while they build and stack to the ceiling. Enter this Play’n Go table. Thank you for relieving me of my duties.
Cars. Trucks. Trains. You name it – we love it. Motor vehicles (the bigger the better) in general fascinate these two little girly girls of mine. So, when I was looking for something of the like to gift them with, I was having a hard time not throwing a couple of Tonka Trucks into my basket and calling it a day. But then I remembered this little Choo Choo I saw in passing. And it has Mickey Mouse as the Conductor. Perfecto – for a little boy or girl 🙂
This year we plan to enroll Parker and Jolie into preschool (Mothers Day Out) a couple times a week, and these sweet little backpacks have gotten me all kinds of excited about it! For now, I plan to stuff them with books and toys, but when the time comes, we will have our ‘lunch’, and panties, and school supplies- all the necessities for my little book worms.
A little more for me than them, maybe? Maybe. I have been slowly collecting these books over the last year or so.. we have all the party and holiday ones.. I just need the classics. I really love these for some reason. Their 2nd birthday was even loosely themed after “If You Give a Pig a Pancake..”When I wrap these – I plan to stuff them into their new backpacks as a surprise for when they open their packs.
In addition to the Mega Bloks, we received about 11 new dolls for our birthday, too! Which is totally fine. They have been carrying them around non-stop since that day. So.. since we have the dolls, we need something to feed, diaper, wipe and carry them with, right? Perfect little mamas they will be.
A few runner ups for the little ladies
I was throughly torn between this playset and the doll accessories. Our cousin Kendall has the doll carrier and seems to totally adore it for her baby dolls. We have a shopping cart, and the girls really love to play with it.. and so the stroller would be great to have another option for toting their dolls around.
Another interactive toy for toddlers. Parker is really into this kind of play (she plays in the kitchen all the time), so she would get a kick out of playing check up with Jolie, Mom, or Dad!
I had about a bazillion My Little Pony figurines growing up, and I have been waiting patently for the day to be able to give my little girls their own. I did have Barbies, but MLP seemed to hold the majority in the toy box.
My twin mom bestie, Kristina (@lifeaskristinab) has a set of boy twins that are just a few months younger than Parker and Jolie. Since I am ALL girl, I asked her to share her boys’ Christmas Wishlist, because for all those boy moms reading.. I couldn’t leave you out! And this list is totally boy – boy – boy!
l i t t l e g e n t s
1 // Fold-Up Trampoline
If I could I would buy an indoor blow up trampoline, but I would in return have to charge for playdates at my house. So I found the next best thing- a toddler mini trampoline. It folds (easy storage) and is a great way to release some of that cabin fever excess energy.
2 // Melissa and Doug Car Carrier
You can’t go wrong with Melissa and Doug….ever. The versatility of this car carrier was a no brainer. Kids can roll the individual cars, stack them on the carrier, name the colors, the possibilities are endless. Going out in public? Pack those mini cars in your diaper bag for emergency entertainment!
Such a fun gift (for boy or girl). You open the box to find a book and 2 furry hand mitts. Read the book with your little and when prompted you tickle your child with the mitts (there’s finger holes). Interactive entertainment with parent and child that is guaranteed to involve laughter-MUST have!
I’m a sucker for all things faux fur from Restoration Hardware and having boys does not hold me back (regardless of my husbands eye rolling). Faux fur + animals + toddler slippers- sign me up! I wouldn’t hold it against you if you paired these slippers with their toddler robes.
A little bit more manly than it’s counterpart “the cozy coup”. A tailgating back that opens and closes, a hilarious semi-truck sounding horn, and a handle on top for adult assistance-perfect for a boys-boy.
I mean c’mon! I’ve have been crushing on these backpacks since the day I saw them. We have finally reached an age that they can actually use them. I’m a little too excited to fill them up with board books and small toys for my boys to open and find. I’m a little less excited about the thought of them going to pre-school with these (instant tears).
This one is a cheat because we already own it. A must have for any boy who loves trucks. The front bucket lifts and lowers manually and the seat lifts for extra (random) toys to “hide”. My boys have spent endless amounts of time filling up the bucket, emptying the bucket…over and over.
Ok ok, BIG splurge. I’m having a hard time resisting this…honestly the cost is the ONLY thing holding me back. A Motorized train that works on and off the track. You can set up the track in a designated area or let your child have free reign to cruise around your house.
A few runner ups for the little gents
Because what little boy(s) don’t want to play with tools? Great for hand-eye coordination and utilizing their imagination. Pack it up, carry it around, and make believe you’re Mr. Fix it.
Cars and a boat…in the tub-I can feel the excitement. In between the splashing and blowing bubbles let your little one focus on gentile movements (don’t sink the ferry!) while loading and unloading the cars from the ferry.
An upgrade modern twist to the old school plastic letters we used to stick on the refrigerator as kids. How cute are these? Possibly another distraction for when you’re cooking dinner-possibilities are endless.
Tomorrow I’ve got a wish-list for my favorite Gent that I can’t wait to share!
I just hope he doesn’t read it or else his Christmas will totally be given away:)

Something that is going over really big in our house is the vtech go! Go! Sets. We have some of the cars and some of the animals. He loves them all. Perfect for a two year old boy or girl! Also Beau is getting his own Black and Decker tool set complete with working tool bench and drill this year. He loves our drill and wants to hold it whenever we get it out. So this year he is getting his own.
tickle monster has been one of my boys favorite books for years, and the girls are really into it now too. awesome pics!
Kinley and Emery are getting #2 and #8 and I can't wait to see how much fun they have with them!!!