cardigan / (old) banana republic
How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: 7 pounds, even though I feel so much bigger.
Maternity clothes? YES. I finally organized myself and transitioned one half of my closet to my maternity and its made selecting something to wear so much easier (go figure..) It was time I stopped digging through bins of wrinkly clothing, only to just be frustrated and late for work. I did receive a few new things, and its amazing what a little wardrobe change can do for a girl’s ego and confidence in her changing body.
Sleep: Way, way, way, too good. Honestly, I am sleeping 7-9 hours at night, and I definitely could sleep longer. I get in a nap any time I can get one – literally snoozing through 24 minutes of Mickey Mouse at least once per day- don’t judge me. This is all insanity to me as I am usually a late to bed, early to rise, but not so much these days.
Best moment this week: I got up to pee at 2:38am the other night, and made the mistake of attempting to wake this baby girl with a few pushes on my belly to see if I could get her to move a bit. Well – move she did. For the next hour she didn’t stop the tap dance on my bladder, my ribcage, and up under what felt like my diaphragm! She was everywhere. Although I wasn’t sleeping, she was well worth staying awake for.
Worst Moment this week: Hormones. All of them. Its a wild pendulum of emotions, and poor Jordan. Our house is covered in egg shells, and even though I am aware of whatever swing I’m in/on right at that moment, I can’t help but breath fire about 65% of the time. I’m working on it, and Jordan is so good to calm the flames.
Miss Anything? Confidence. I know that might sound silly, but for whatever reason I feel SO pregnant WAY sooner this go-round. I feel like my body exploded in this last week, and I have found myself really self conscious. I pulled on a pair of maternity jeans that were an XS, mind you, and I basically fell out in tears standing in front of the mirror in my room because ‘my thighs were huge’. EXTRA small, people- my maternity jeans are size XS and my brain is telling myself that my thighs are huge. So silly. So emotional. Again, don’t judge me. This pregnancy has me all kinds of crazy.
Cravings: Salads of any and every kind. Seafood – especially salmon. All I can think about! Oats every morning. Greek yogurt and fruit.. and donuts. They opened a Krispy Kreme not too far from our house, and I have yet to take advantage of the drive thru, but I want, I want, I want.
Symptoms: I was fortunate to come down with a head cold over last weekend (read awesome sarcasm), and another 10 days of antibiotics for me. It was just after Christmas the last time I took the same meds for the same symptoms. I was reading back through some of my old pregnancy bump posts and sure enough I was sick multiple times dead in the middle of summer. I stopped getting sick when I was put on bed rest – and basically never left the house. So, its clearly just the way my body responds to such a lowered immune system with pregnancy. Makes me SO thankful for my health.
Looking forward to: The countdown for the big growth scan begins! We get to see baby girl next week for the first time since we were 12 weeks – and I cannot wait. Its been too long! I am so eager to see how much she’s grown and changed – and just to hear that she’s a healthy little girl:)

Congrats on 19 weeks! You look darling.
You look great girl!!! Don't get down about the x-small. If you got back down to that after the twins then you can definitely get back down to that after this one. Those x-small days are long gone for me. :/ I said goodbye to those when I got pregnant. Lol trust me….you are all belly and are adorable!! Keep up the good work!!!!
You look SO GOOD!!! I hate what those crazy preg hormones make you think and feel. I just lovelovelove that bump! You're all belly, my dear. Gorgeous!!!