With the rain long gone, the sun is shining, and therefore we have basically lived at the pool this week. When I am on my way home from work I’m texting Jordan before I even leave the office to make sure he’s ready. I am determined to tan this bod after blinding the internet for 32 weeks.
I was nearly halfway through my 33rd week when I realized that I hadn’t taken my weekly belly picture.. and we were walking out to the pool, hence the bare belly and two piece suit:)
Getting these pictures in every week seems to get harder and harder, but can you believe I just have f i v e more of these baby bump posts??
non-maternity swim top // target (
non-maternity swim bottom // old navy (
How far along? 33 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
Maternity clothes? yaaaas. I am living in my favorite gap maternity
tanks and
tees, but as I am approaching the end of this pregnancy, my favorite maternity tops seem to be getting shorter and shorter. I play a game of peek-a-bump at least once a day, and have honestly stopped caring when I’m at home. Whatever fits and isn’t constricting the belly is what I’m going with. A maxi dress or skirt or my favorite white linen pants have been my go-to for work attire. Again- comfort is what I’m going for. If a top or pants are too tight I am absolutely miserable.
Sleep: I am waking multiple times a night these days to use the bathroom – no matter what time of day I start to limit my fluid intake, it is inevitable that I will be waking to pee. Other than that and the occasional hunger pangs at 2am, I cannot complain. I sleep really well for the most part – but with the size of this belly and my lack of strength to flip over and backward easily, finding comfort has been tough.
Best moment this week: I was sitting on the toilet, because no one in this house goes pee without an audience, and Parker was standing in front of me looking at my non-belly button. She proceeded to lift my shirt, saying her littlest sisters name and asking if she could rub my belly. A good belly rub/scratch is by far Parker’s love language – we can’t undress without a tummy rub from mom or dad. So, for her to want to rub the baby belly speaks volumes of her understanding and subsequent love for this little babe. I am most worried about Parker’s acceptance of the baby as she has taken clingy-ness to an extreme the last couple months. Nothing but mama is acceptable to do anything, so its the little things she does when she is referring to her new sister that are swelling my heart.
Miss Anything? Complete comfort in all aspects. My belly gets in the way of everything- there is no ‘squeezing’ through to anywhere. The elbows, headbutts, and collisions with this belly are somewhat painful, but mostly uncomfortable. Putting on my shoes with ease is non-existent.. and bending over to pick up toys, books, food..basically anything off the floor is a case for falling head first due to the gravitational pull of the universe or taking a solid 5 minutes to recover from.
Cravings: Summer fruit of all kinds. I am d y i n g for some sushi – not the cooked stuff, but raw tuna or salmon, or both. Since the weather has warmed up over this last week, I am finding myself wanting freezing cold water, cups and cups of crunchy ice, and popsicles, two at a time.
Symptoms: Its official: heartburn sucks. Pair it with reflux and I’m on edge more than any other time during this pregnancy. We went to the pool the other night, and I made the mistake of eating an apple on our walk around the block, and I was totally miserable. I sat on the side of the pool while I watched Jordan play with Parker and Jolie. I was fearful that I would loose my partially digested apple and whatever lunch was left if I got too active in the pool. Lame and graphic. Sorry!

Looking forward to: I was mapping out the month of June on my favorite
great big calendar, and with sharpie in hand I wrote out our schedule for the next 30 days. There are so many things that I can’t wait to do with the girls.. I admit to have created a
summer wish list, so to speak, and although the timeframe is limited, I am confident that we can squeeze it all in! I’m also looking forward to finishing up her nursery. I got a ton checked off the ‘to-do’ list this last week, and really just the little things remain. I’ve also been chatting all things baby with the bestest (both her baby and my own), including her planning of a sip-and-see once she arrives. Is this real life? My heart couldn’t be more full.

You look adorable! I absolutely love your hair in these as well! I am in desperate need of some sun! Lol
Such cute pics! Loving the baby bump! And your hair is phenomenal 🙂
That bump is the best!! you're gorgeous!
I am pregnant right now and gained so much weight.. I wish Im this skinny hahah ??
You look gorgeous mama! Been following for a few weeks but this is my first time not reading through bloglovin. I wish I looked as great at you!
liz @ sundays with sophie
How come I don't look this good and I'm not pregnant?!? You look ah-mazing!!!
GET OUTTA HERE with that perfect belly and perfect preggo tan. ? whaaat. So jealous of your frequent trips to the pool. 🙂