Its Friday! And is been a busy w e e k. I still feel like we are going through the motions of transition to a family of five relatively easy, but Jordan went back to work (officially) this week, leaving me at home with three babes. Thankfully Parker and Jolie have been amazing and great big sister helpers, so its not been a complete cluster – we even made our way out of the house to do a little girl shopping – but at the end of the day, my heavy eyes get the best of me after the house is quiet and its just me and my sweet Baker. I could cuddle all day long with this girl – she is THEE best at that.
It makes it really hard to put her down to bed at night.
There has been lots of talk about ‘who Baker favors’ and Jordan and I go back and forth as to who we think she resembles the most. Sometimes she’s ALL Parker (those cheekies and button nose are so delicious), while I feel like her little lips, chin, and wide eyes are just the spitting image of Jolie when she was a tiny little thing.
I was going through my phone of old pictures of the twins (I keep my most favorite memories on my phone so I can go back and look at them at night after everyone is asleep.. I know I’m not the only mama that does that) and came across some photos that I had to do a double take. I went back and put the pictures into a side by side and it is amazing how similar our littlest sister looks of both her older sisters.
Parker — Baker
Baker — Jolie
Baker is just the perfect blend of Parker and Jolie – and I LOVE that!
What do you think?

Aww my goodness!! They are beautiful girls you have! You are so so blessed!! They have the sweetest mommy ever, you have a beautiful family! I have the same problem with my period, I never have a regular or even get it! Did you plan on having twins with infertility?? I was just wondering, and could you have had tends when you tried for Baker???……and might I just say I love your daughters names:):):) p,b,&j that is adorably also!!
And can you do a post on how you names your girls?? Like where did they all come from!! Cause I love them! Not in a creepy stalker way!! Don't worry
God is amazing in His works! He knew Baker was going to be just as gorgeous as her mom and sisters, so He made Her in all three of your reflections. She is absolutely beautiful! Excited to watch as she grows up with her sisters. It's obvious that they love her so much and it's a beautiful thing to watch. God Bless you and your family!
The Lord is good to you!! Anyways sorry not trying to be weird, but I have the same issue with my menstrual cycle, and my husband also has problems with production count (w/o going into detail,u know what I'm saying girl!) But we are gonna look into infertility,so did you plan on having twins or only one either time?? Like did you know??? Or what should I expect?
The Lord is good to you!! I have the same issue with my menstrual cycle, and my husband also has problems with production count (w/o going into detail,u know what I'm saying girl!) But we are gonna look into infertility,so did you plan on having twins or only one either time?? Did you want one first, did you know there were gonna be twins? What should I expect with that??
I think the lovely miss Baker is a perfect blend of both Parker and Jolie as you had said. I also had to do a double take when looking at the pictures. You are truly blessed.
Can I ask how your recovery is going post C section? I have one 2.5 year old and am due with our second which has to come via c section. A little nervous about not being able to lift my firstborn or hold him as often as I'd like :/
Congratulations! She IS gorgeous, and definitely think she looks like both her beautiful sisters.
I agree with you, Baker if the perfection mashup of both Parker and Jo Grace! She is just a little doll, period. So glad to see things are going great for you mama!
They are like triplets! I can't get over how cute they are all! Sounds like things are going great for you all! That's wonderful!
That is AMAZING how much they look alike! Just precious!!