Brady Jordan | 6 months

Brady Jordan.  stop this growing business.

except don’t stop because you at this age is the most fun everrrr.  your little body can hardly keep up with your hair growth and previously mentioned little body is definitely NOT little because you are by far the biggest babe in this house full of girls.  we don’t go for your six month well check until next week, but I’d say you’re pushing close to 20 pounds. we can go ahead and address the fact that the three sisters before you weighed that much at ONE year.

its been the fastest 182 days of my life.  it literally feels like you were JUST born and here we are an entire half of a year gone by.

the end of your first summer

your first Easter

..and then there was fourth of july

I still cannot believe some days that you are mine.  our sweet, silly, happy, and content baby boy. Oh. and your cheeks are basically the cherry on top of every single day of my life. they are as squeezable and kissable as they look. just like Play-Doh, little bro.

and the look on your face in all these 1/2 year birthday pictures pretty much sums up what you think about us all.

we are crazy.

oh sweet buddy .  you are growing way too quick for me.

I remember those last couple months of pregnancy- literally like they were yesterday, hobbling around and scolding you from the womb for giving me such a hard time, but anxiously waiting for your arrival.  I was in a constant daydream of who you would be and how you would act and what it would be like to have a little boy in the house. now that you are part of our lives and I know your every laugh, silly squeal, and have gotten to know your every baby cry and every look that you get in your eyes. we couldn’t imagine life without you, mister. 

your personality is really shining through these days- especially when you have the attention of those crazy sisters of yours.  like limbs flailing around screaming deep from your belly kind of happy.. and if they make eye contact and say your name its never without a big gummy grin!  your eyes crinkle, your mouth opens wide, and those cheeks shine in all their squishy glory. you are also so curious and mischievous.   our days have become much busier and more active lately as we spend our time exploring everything.  I cant have anything within arms reach without you grabbing, swatting, or slapping at it.  oh my stars, little boy. you impress me  always smiling, always laughing, always looking for the attention, but then again, totally content playing in your own little world of toys and tags and anything else you can get your hands into.  you love to play in your highchair- HOW are you big enough for the highchair?!  the activity bouncer has also become your favorite spot to play. you work over those teether toys pretty well as those two bottom teeth are pushing their way through- giving you so much trouble but no one would know it otherwise. I never understood what the phrase “all boy” meant, but 6 months into being a boy mama to you, Brady, I can understand!  you’re into everything, and when you finally let us sit you down, you’re scooting yourself around the floor- on the move, sir!

my little social man, you are rarely left alone and I can confidently say that you eat it up!  you love being right in the center of everything and by everything I mean the attention of your three big sisters.

you make our world turn these days, buddy. and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

happy six months!

photography by b faith photography

Brady: sleeveless hoodie + shorts //c/o moccasins //c/o  ‘1/2’ party hat

Amber: sweater + jeans c/o VICI DOLLS  // booties c/o

September 20, 2017

  1. i hear ya on the ALL BOY! after having a girl first, then my sweet boy– he is SO.BUSY! into everything. but then also sooo fun!!

  2. Kay says:

    He’ll be a heartthrob for sure! I’ve got twin boys myself…nothing like a mama’s boy. ? Beautiful pictures! Do you mind if I ask what kind of lipstick you’re wearing? I love the color!