five on friday | HBD Jordan!!

one. this guy.
its his birthday!  he’s 35 today and we are doing our very best to celebrate Jordan all weekend long. so much about our life right now is exhausting and straight up BUSY but this weekend is actually one that we have no plans.. none.  zero. 
except to do whatever he wants to do. 
I wish I could express how much we love him.. I hope the four dozen cadbury cream eggs left for him to wake up to this morning will provide some sort of reinforcement on that note.
his favorite candy of all time happens to make its presence in the aisles devoted to Easter around this time of year so, you know, I try and stock up.  they don’t last long in this house!
two. big girl room progress
I’m SO impressed with Jordan’s building skills! I knew he was handy, but you guys this bunk bed is LEGIT.  I talked about the twins’ big girl room update HERE and we are well on our way to getting finished.  I have been harassing Jordan about getting it done before Mr. Brady makes his debut and he continues to assure me:)
paint on this beast of a bed is going on today and hopefully we will start on their dresser and finish up over the weekend.
I took this giant mirror out of our master bedroom and painted it bright white (is was a terrible gaudy gold) to go in Parker and Jolie’s room.  they are going to love it!

three. the easiest recipe EVER.
I skipped the pasta this week and tried out these spiraled veggies I came across a Target.  after seeing them in the prepared produce section I did a quick search on pinterest to see what I could actually do with them.. it would be of no surprise for me to feel motivated about making some delicious meal out of a new ingredient, but most likely they would just sit on the shelf in the fridge and go bad/expire and I would eventually just toss it.
not this time!  I found THIS recipe and it literally took me 15 minutes from start to finish.  I did throw the chicken in the crock pot with a little teriyaki sauce and water and cooked on LOW for about 4-5 hours so that cut some of the time out, too!  I skipped the peanuts over the top because Jordan isn’t a fan of that garnish, but other than that I followed the recipe exactly. I wish I had a picture to share of the finished product, but ya’ll there was nothing left:)

four. little boy Brady
we got to check in with this little guy on our weekly trip to my OB/Perinatologist. the big girls were at school while we went yesterday, but they always love to see any pictures after we get home.. he’s looking awfully cute in there!  still snug as a bug, too. we cannot WAIT to meet him!  
side note.. Jolie took a tumble on her bike and went head over handlebars into the concrete. 
her little nose is just raw as can be!

five. welcoming the weekend
with open arms.  these last couple weeks of pregnancy has been so exhausting and I feel like there are a million moving parts and things to cover before Brady gets here.  my tired body just wants to rest but then when I do get the chance to rest my brain is running 800 miles/minute.
anyone else feel me on that?
cheers to the freakin’ weekend.

March 3, 2017

  1. that bunk bed!! so impressive!

  2. J. says:

    Omg, young Jordan looks EXACTLY like Jolie (and Parker too, actually)! I've never seen any similarities till now!

  3. Jolie's poor little nose! Ouch! Happy bday to Jordan! Those bunk beds look amazing! Can't wait to see them all finished!