PCM Holiday Bow Giveaway

Remember these head bows?  Of all the monthly pictures before this- Parker and Jolie’s 10 month pictures are among my favorite!  I mean.. how sweet are those little heads?

I love a good bow, and even though I don’t typically go for the ribbon bows, I love Pink Cow Mootique!  They are really high quality and hand crafted for such a great price.

This one was a favorite, too!  I had a watermelon romper from Old Navy and I asked Kari to make a bow to match.  Perfect! 

Just in time for pictures with that big jolly man in the red suit, Kari of PCM is offering up one of her handmade custom Christmas bows to my lucky readers!  Enter below and a winner will be announced on Tuesday 12/10!  Also, use the code MASSEY10 for 10% off your order from Kari’s shop.  I am thinking I need a couple (..or four..) of her monogrammed stockings for my mantle!  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


December 4, 2013

  1. Such a fun giveaway, I'm such a sucker for bows;)

  2. Kari Willis says:

    Thank you soooo much Amber!!!! You are so sweet!

    I would love to make anyone some stockings!! :):):)

  3. Meredith says:

    OMG, that was exhausting. I'm not even sure I did it right–I haven't been on twitter in FOREVER. Haha. Anyway, hope I win!