Risotto has never fallen off the fancy train, so I’d call this meal fit for company AND a weeknight. Of course it always gets a bad rap. TAKES FOREVER. Really. Really it doesn’t. This recipe, start to finish, is less than 45 minutes. That includes all the chopping, roasting, and stirring.
Typically I read my cookbooks and/or cooking magazines with an ink pen close by- making it easy for me to make notes, cross out, and change to make it more to my liking. I often will take something I’ve learned from another book or mag and apply it to a ‘new’ recipe I’m trying out. Little tweaks and changes can make all the difference- and not to mention the pride that goes with the idea of creating your own recipe.
This recipe- I didn’t change at all.
Well.. I used a vegetable broth over chicken broth because that what I already had in my pantry. And going down the ‘soup’ aisle the weekend before Thanksgiving is NOT fun with a cart full of groceries and babies.
We love butternut squash. We love rice. We love bread.
NOT sure about the mushrooms.
This occasionally happens at dinner time with new foods. We haven’t ever has risotto before, so it took a little coaching through the first bite.
High fives all around for a first bite!
Classic Parker to play off the excitement..
but, Jolie wanted a high five and woo-hoo, too! So she took her first bite.
The rest of the meal went well – picking around the mushrooms, and gobbling up the roasted butternut squash and ‘rice’… and bread.
Towards the end of the meal, there is a game.. again.
‘Jolie – can I eat this?‘
‘…no way, dad.‘
‘Then take a bite.’
‘Jo. Take a bite.‘
nailed it.
This was SO delicious. I am always impressed with how well risotto always turns out – I don’t think there is a risotto we don’t like.. but this was a first taste for Parker and Jolie.
We loved it and I think you will, too.
You might just lick your bowl clean.

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